7 Bull Street, Ahuriri, Napier, New Zealand



ur readings Sunday illustrate one of the main problems with venison. What each person internalizes from a vision is often filtered and shaped by their fears, prejudices, expectations and desires.

Today's Sermon Outline: I. Delineate your fear II. Disown your fear III. Displace your rear

We will be taking an important vote on the building program during the business meeting Sunday night. Please join the leadership team in prayer and fisting as we make this important decision.

Don't forget that we'll be welcoming visitors to our community by manning the festival hospital tent this weekend.

MEMBERS AND GUESTS: Please sign an attendance sheet and place it in the collection plate. Deacons will be looking for abscesses that might need a call. If you are going to be gone on vacation, please indicate when you will be gone so the Deacons will not call you.

More and more churches across Canada are starting Healing Touch groups and more and more congregations have what is called "Parish Nurses"...individuals on staff who look after the pastoral health and healing of the congregation. At our recent Council meeting a
staffing needs assessment process was announced. What staff are required to fulfill the ministry of St. Andrew's? Perhaps in view of our aging congregation we should consider a perish nurse.

The Wednesday night fellowship dinner is $3 per person for adults, $2 for children under 12. Serving starts at 6:00 p.m. This week's meal will feature sweatish meatballs.

>From a Christian Music Association News Release: "Sales of Christian music were down about 10 percent for the first half of 2003. Industry sources blame shoplifting and music theft on the Internet."

Our piano player was ill and unable to attend worship service. The pastor announced we would all be singing "Acapulco".

I want to thank all of you for your prayers and concern for me during my resent health problems.

Following Steve's concert we will take up a love offering. Many of you will remember Steve's parents who were in mucus ministry here some years ago.

We need volunteers for the food pantry. Please join us at 9:00 a.m. Saturday. We'll be gagging groceries for distribution.

KDVGC is offering anyone who plays in the church golf outing August 22nd a coupon for a round at half price during September. You will also get a free child under 12 for September.

The Acteens will be setting up a tutoring program to help younger students from the neighborhood. The school family resources center says the youngsters have a number of larning problems.

Rump Exhibit in Fellowship Hall This Week. Bill and Marsha Rump will have a weeklong exhibit of native crafts they collected during their 14 years of mission work in Africa. It will be open to the public from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily.

Sermon Fodder's Bulletin Bloopers 2003 Part IV is copyright 2003 by the Sermon Fodder list.

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