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Issue No: 983     Published: 17 Aug 2020


On Saturday morning, in bed, God told me it was time spread and reinforce in a new, more definite way, due the urgency of the hour and the upheaval the world is going through, the message He had given me nearly 25 years ago when weeding on our flower farm of the time. This message resulted in the setting up of Walking With Jesus Ministries and after a time, to the publication of PGIM.

Over the past 982 issues, through the Lords protection, without missing a week, even after I was attacked and nearly killed, He has asked me to change the format for the next 2 weeks, at least. 

Amazingly it ties in with the conclusion of the Parable of the Sower revelation, firmly pointed at the kingdom of God, which is now here on earth as it is in heanen.

Even if this weeks message offends you you, which it will some who are embedded into church tradition, please show me the grace to read through the whole presentation next week, which shows the positive and exciting side of what is coming now, before deleting or killing me, which these days seems to be much the same thing! LOL!

Thank you.


David Tait

Walking With Jesus Ministries



Just as this parable applies to our individual lives, so it also relates to the pattern of God's church. This pattern was revealed 3,500 years ago in God's first church, the Tabernacle of Moses. Its design was provided in precise, minute detail, reflecting its huge importance in portraying God's plan, not only to the people of the time, but for His church ever since.  

The Tabernacle was a portable church, used by the Israelites during and after their 40 years of desert wanderings, as required by God when the people disobeyed His instructions to enter into the Holy Land after their miraculous escape from Egyptian captivity. Here dwelt the presence of God - literally. The whole structure could be dismantled, packed up and carried from place to place, as determined by the movement of the pillar of cloud by day or of fire by night.

A replica of the Tabernacle has been erected in Israel, as faithfully as possible to the building instructions provided to Moses on Mount Sinai.

It consisted of three parts, as illustrated below.

                   HOLY OF                     HOLY                                             OUTER

                    HOLIES                       PLACE                                            COURT


                   Tabernacle                 Pentecostal/                                      Traditional/

                   (End Time)                Charismatic                                      Evangelical

                      Church                       Church                                              Church


                      RIVER,                       DOVE                                               CROSS



The pattern of the Tabernacle amazingly illustrates the development and restoration of God's church today.....



The Outer Court consists of the open area inside the fence. After entering through the gate you come to the Brazen Altar (1.) which is symbolic of Jesus. It was on the Altar that the gory, bloody, sacrifices were made. Jesus was our final blood sacrifice. 

The foundational truths established and built into the early New Testament Church were gradually lost from AD100 onwards, as form overtook substance. So much so, that the church finally became an organ of the Roman State in AD380, 30 years after the Emperor Constantine made Christianity the state religion.

The aptly named Dark Ages followed. It wasn't the time of the Reformation in the late 1500's that the first and greatest truth of salvation through the blood of Jesus, was restored and applied to the Traditional type churches This started with Martin Luther's revelation that 'the just shall live by faith'. So was formed the first traditional denomination, the Lutheran Church. 

From the Altar we move to the Washing Basin (2.) where the priests cleansed themselves before carrying out their various functions. This is symbolic of the truth of Water Baptism, which along with the Altar of Sacrifice is the foundational basis of the Evangelical churches, starting with the Anna Baptists. Baptists baptise! By full immersion. 

Typically, in Traditional and Evangelical churches you will see the symbolism of the Cross, representing the understanding of the truths of the Outer Court in which these believers walk. 

Referring again to Revelation 12:11, generally speaking, these believers and churches are primarily those who walk in the Outer Court realm of "the blood of the Lamb." They produce a 30-fold crop. And God is happy with that.



Now we enter the tent. It has four covers, the outside one being made of animal skins, most likely those of the sea cow (manatee), which were common in the area at the time. The skin has a bluish tinge to it and is oily, the colour and the oil being representative of the Holy Spirit. Divided into two rooms separated by a curtain, the first area, the Holy Place, contains three items of furniture. 

 As you enter, you see the Table of Shewbread (Showbread) (3.) representing the underlying, revelatory Word of God.  This illustrates the greater understanding God gives us of the Bible when we enter the tent through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 

Next, there is the Golden Lampstand, (4.) which speaks primarily of the gifts the Holy Spirit makes available to us when we enter. 

Finally, there is the Altar of Incense (5.), representing Thanksgiving, Praise, Worship and Prayer, our response to the Revelatory Word and Gifts the Holy Spirit has given us. 

These three pieces of furniture then, represent the Holy Spirit truths that God restored to His church during the 20th Century, most publicly starting with the Welsh and Asuza Street (Los Angeles, US), revivals, through which the Pentecostal church was formed in the early 1900's. In the latter half of the century, this powerful move of the Holy Spirit spilled over into some Traditional and Evangelical churches in the form of the Charismatic movement. 

This restoration of Holy Spirit power is symbolized by the dove, which you will see, along with the cross, in many Spirit filled churches. 

The Holy Spirit empowers and motivates people to want to share "the word of their testimony" as described in Revelation 12:11. For our testimony comes out our mouth from the overflow of our heart, the seat of our faith and the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. These ones produce a 60-fold crop. And God is happy with that.



In the back third of the Tent behind the curtain, is found the Ark of the Covenant (6.). Here, on the Ark's cover, between 2 Cherubins with outstretched wings, the presence of God dwelt. As sinful man cannot live in the presence of a sinless God, this room could only be entered by the High Priest once a year, on the most holy Day of Atonement, to seek forgiveness for the sins of all the people of Israel. Yet even he, in order to enter and live, had to first purify himself in an elaborate ritual. (See A Revelation of… The Day of Atonement.) 

The Ark of the Covenant represents God the Father, as He dwelt there over the period of the Tabernacles life, and subsequently, for a time in Solomon's Temple. 

There are still people, although fewer now, in the Pentecostal movement, who make the mistake as their forbears in every church movement since the Reformation have done, in saying, "we have it all." The pattern of the Tabernacle, remembering that God works in threes, shows this is not the case. For there is one type of church, the end time 'Bride of Christ' still to come. (See A Revelation of… The End Time Tabernacle Church) Unlike previous revelations which resulted in the formation of new denominations, further splintering God's church, this is a movement of individuals who have sold out their lives 100% to the will of the Father, as Jesus did. 

In terms of Revelation 12:11, "They loved not their lives so much as to shrink from death." This can only be an individual decision. No one church can lay claim to being 'the one' to belong to, to receive this 'gift'. For it is a 'sacrifice' of obedience to the Fathers will and direction in our lives. Only individually, can we commit to this, as Jesus did. As we submit to leading of the Holy Spirit in a greater way however, we will find our 'unity of purpose' growing, as we come closer to the will of God for each of us as individuals and as a church. It is only then that we will stand united as the overcoming church, which will finally defeat satan and see the return of Jesus. 

A church movement symbolized by the River of God, through resting in which we will be able to approach (upstream!) His very throne, pure and holy in His sight. Yes, it is these obedient disciples who produce the 100-fold crop. The people of the church God is calling to Himself today. And with them, He is very pleased!



The Parable of the Sower then, in relation to Christians, is all about the fruit we produce. While God is happy with those who live 30 fold and 60 fold crop lives, He is seeking today not only individuals, but a 'church' of those who are completely sold out to Him. These 100 fold Christians will fully participate in the fulfillment of God's Kingdom on earth, and see the overcoming of satan, in preparation for the glorious return of Jesus, which every committed believer deeply desires. 

He is coming for His one, holy, pure, righteous bride. The one clothed in white. 

"Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.)  Then the angel said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!’” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”" (Revelation 19:7-9) 

Do you wish to participate? Are you prepared to pay the price? I am! 

A MUZUNGU’S (White Man’s) THOUGHT – Issue 43




THE KINGDOM IS ARISING! – Part 3 (Maybe next week also)



The Lord confirmed to me on Saturday morning, as He was talking to me when I was praying, that the time had now come when I was to explain in a more definitive way, the obvious demise of the church in the Western world and boldly proclaim the coming of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. 

Here is what He laid upon my heart.



The church as we know it is in its death throes.

In Europe, it is now irrelevant as humanism has taken over while Islam is making inroads due to immigration, primarily from North Africa, coupled with high birth rates at a time when European and Western countries in general birth rates are under replacement level.

Of course, the church is growing in other areas, such as parts of Asia and South America as well as in Southern countries of Africa.

Here in Kenya, Christianity seems strong, but cracks are appearing too.

In China the underground church has grown tremendously but it is a different sort of Christianity to what we are used to, based on different foundations.

Why is the traditional way we are ‘doing church’ dying?


 1.     The church is focused around leadership, not God. 

Leadership, whether pastors, priests, ministers, elders, or whatever you may call them, are more aligned to preserving their position than doing the will of God. Good things may be done, but mostly, they are not God things. Leadership are more inclined to seek out what they see has been successful elsewhere and try to apply it to their own church different situation. When it fails they chase the next big thing, and so on.


2.     The church is focused on ‘bringing in’ rather than ‘going out’.

This attitude accounts for the emphasis on building buildings rather than going out to the people to share Jesus with them. In fact, as the world’s values further differentiate themselves from those of the church, the need to go out becomes even more important. 

Much ‘church growth’ currently comes from stealing congregants from other churches, to put ‘bums on seats’. 


3.     Focused on building structures rather than growing disciples.

Structures are concrete. You can see them. The leaders are proud of what they have built. The congregants like them, because they see the building as the place where God is. They will clean, maintain and mow the lawns, satisfied they are doing it for God. Actually, they are doing it for the church. 


4.     Focused on programmes not people

A church needs to keep people busy or they will lose interest, thinking nothing is being done. Nearly all programmes are picked up from those that have proved to be successful elsewhere. When they don’t work, another conference will be attended, or another programme sourced elsewhere, and so on. 


5.     Focused on protecting the leadership

Instead of encouraging people to grow in God, those seeking a deeper relationship with Him than the leaders have are put down as a form of protection for the status quo.


6.     Focused on collecting rather than giving

In order to keep the properties built and maintained and the salaries paid, an emphasis is placed on Old Testament tithing, which no longer applies. Giving is the New Testament way. All too often the best sermons are preached on tithing! 

The consequence of the high overheads is that there is little money to help the poor, which is the New Testament instruction. 


7.     Focused on theology not relationship.

Theology is the greatest divider in the church today. Denominations galore have arisen because of different interpretations of Scripture. 

Theological Colleges have grown into a big business. There are so many as they all disagree with one another on interpretation of Scripture. Multitudes of graduates pass through their system, most of all who come out having gained knowledge but having lost the Holy Spirit. Very, very few colleges develop intimacy with the Holy Spirit, for it is experiential, not something that can be taught in a curriculum. 

Graduates expect Christian jobs upon graduation, which simply are not available, causing many to lose their faith through disappointment. Evangelizing or starting a new work is not considered due to their education. 

Jesus was not a theologian. He taught and lived love, obedience to the Father and character change, not detailed theological principles. If fact his greatest criticism was towards the Rabbis, Pharisees and Sadducees, the theologians of the day. 

Paul was the big up and comer amongst the Rabbis and destined for great things before meeting Jesus. Of course this changed him forever. But he remained a theologian and set out the principles of theology of Christianity. But, as always, man’s interpretation comes in divides rather than bringing together. 

The church has become Pauline rather than Jesus based which Paul did not desire and criticized greatly.


8.     The church has become a business, man rather than God led.

Budgets are prepared, and then giving is compared to budget in order to determine performance. 

Pay scales for staff are set out by the denomination, generally determined by the size of the church being led. 

Church has become a business, similar in most ways to the world.


9.     Leadership has become a job rather than a calling.

No longer is it sufficient to be called to ministry, but one must get a theological qualification first. Education rather than God’s call is all important today. 

The need for this is explained as being to keep everything in order, but it excludes many with a deep understanding and commitment to God on the side-lines. 

Leadership is paid in most cases. Unlike Paul who worked as a tent maker, ministry today is paid. 

Too often enthusiastic young Christians are sent to Bible school and employed is a church role without having had any experience of life in the world. How can they effectively minister to their congregants without having experienced the challenges people face in day to day life.


10.    Focused on pastoral rather than group, 5 fold leadership

The role of pastor has become the predominant role in the church. Why? Because it is generally the only paid position available. 

Many people call themselves pastor whose gifting is not pastoral, but another of the ministry gifts. A pastor is a shepherd who looks after, guides and sees the sheep in his flock are fed.  Jesus used the illustration of a shepherd to describe the role for shepherds were familiar to the people Jesus taught. 

However, not one person can have all the skills required to look after the people of God. Apostles, prophets, evangelists and teachers are required also. 

Our pastor led church has generally ignored these other leadership roles that are required to lead the church in a balanced way. 

All these factors, and others, have led to the church losing its way in the very different world in which we now live. 

As with the Tabernacle of Moses when it was shifted to Shiloh without the Ark where the Spirit of God dwelled, so the church will continue in reduced state, continuing the form but missing the substance of what God desires today. The life, the presence of God, had been taken to the Tabernacle of David, a simple tent, in Jerusalem for a short time, a picture of the kingdom church today before the promised return of Jesus.


(Continued next week)


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WALKING WITH JESUS MINISTRIES is a non-profit, non-denominational, Bible based ministry located in Hastings, New Zealand. A ministry dedicated to developing discipleship, fostering unity amongst God's people to achieve the Great Commission, and in doing so, preparing for Christ's return. It is securely based upon the foundational principles of the Apostles Creed while recognising the wide and rich diversity of beliefs amongst Christians in other areas. In accordance with the Lord's direction, materials produced by the ministry are available, free of charge, to genuine enquirers upon request. The ministry is solely funded by donations, as the Lord provides. A list of materials available (plus some fun!) is obtainable and freely downloadable from our website or by contacting us as follows.

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