A Weekly World Wide Word of Encouragement to those in the Ministry
A FREE service, currently connecting with Christian leaders from 3,000 denominations and ministries, in 70 countries.
Issue No: 997 Published: 23 Nov 2020

23 November 2020
As your elections come to their inevitable conclusion, the American church, particularly, but not exclusively, the Evangelical stream, need to get down on their knees, repent and seek God’s guidance for your future.
All the false prophets who predicted a Trump victory need to repent, and be retired. In Old Testament days, they would be stoned, but thanks to Jesus bringing in the Age of Grace, this no longer applies.
These so called prophets were speaking from a human spirit (wishful thinking), not the Holy Spirit.
Unlike in the past, where incorrect prophecies have been instantly forgotten and new ones listened to avidly, discernment as to the accuracy of the prophet’s past prophecies, needs to be of prime concern before accepting their words.
Reality is, TV preachers need money to pay for their expensive television time! Therefore programmes are dominated by the false teachings of the Prosperity/Word of Faith preachers. Their message of manipulating God through giving money in the expectation of getting more in return, for healing, or other problems in life is unbiblical, and has led the church astray, not only in America but throughout the world. (See more later.)
The assumption that the favour of God can be purchased with money, goes against everything that Jesus taught. Of course, there are some good teachings amongst the bad, for that is the way satan works, beguiling those who hear with a mixture of both good and bad. Sadly, the poor, those without any other hope, are the ones most easily taken in, as well as being those who can least afford the contributions they are indoctrinated to give.
Many, perhaps most churches, have replaced the core tenants of the Bible of sin, redemption through Jesus and discipleship, with easy Christianity teachings designed to titillate the senses and put more ‘bums on seats’!
This is necessary to pay for the infrastructure of the church, properties, people and programmes.
If the church is to be successful, even to survive in the long run, the hard truths of scripture need to be highlighted, along with the love of God.
The Age of Grace, as it is called, is NOT an excuse for believers to keep on sinning. The purpose of grace is to lift us up when we occasionally fail and fall, not an excuse for unrighteous , in the expectation of easy grace. This message must be taught and reinforced constantly, so that those who falsely believe they are saved yet do not live a life for, and like Jesus, are not recipients of eternal life.
Christians, as individuals, play an important part in the political life of the nation. However, the view that a President is next to God, or a political party is God’s chosen party, is wrong. In this current situation, faith has shifted from God to the President. When he has been voted out by the majority of people and soon to be, the Electoral College, God and others are blamed for the defeat. The reality of politics and life is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is why your founding fathers put checks and balances into the American Constitution.
Issues are important but, in a democracy, for better or worse, in the end they follow the will of the majority. The church cannot impose their will on others. It doesn’t work. The role of the church is to bring people to Christ. Then the issues will look after themselves.
Extremists to the left of the right, in any society, promote disruption, for from their perspective, strife will further their cause. Unfortunately, in America this has been exacerbated by the President’s rhetoric over the past 4 years, resulting in talk of civil war, all too often promoted by Christians. This is both sad and dangerous.
Jesus rhetoric was against the spiritual leaders of the time and not the state. He did not come as the expected king to rescue the Jews from the Romans. Once the people saw this, they deserted Him, encouraging Pilate to crucify Him. Jesus came primarily, to bring in a spiritual, then a physical kingdom.
The role of the church on both sides of the spectrum should be one of reconciliation, not warfare. Of course, emotions are high, particularly on the right, having lost the election.
Again, the churches role must be one of reconciliation in society, or all you hold dear about America could be easily destroyed. Freedom, which America holds dear, is being assailed on all sides, not just in the last 4 years, but exaggerated during them.
The church needs to come to the forefront in reconciling the nation.
Racism, whether intentional or not, is rife in America.
My wife Kathy and I, have a unique perspective on this. We were both born in New Zealand and lived there all our lives until several years ago, when we were called by God to come to Malaha Village in Kenya, to build a hospital and minister. New Zealand is a mixture of white and brown peoples, while here in Kenya, black is completely dominant. It is our new normal. In our hospital (kingdomhospital.org or Facebook, AN EYE 4 Africa) we find that racial differences are skin deep, our blood, skeletal structure and organs are identical, whatever race we are. The primary differences are cultural, not only between races but within races also. A Kenyan is quite different to a Ghanaian, while Nigeria’s culture is different again. We look at skin colour as the differentiator but actually, it is a lack of understanding of cultural differences. Kathy and I have been continually confronted by this here in Kenya and have had to learn to understand what we can, and accept what we can’t.
The American church needs to be a reconciler, not a divider, between the many cultures and skin colours that live in your country.

Many of the same things which apply to America affect the rest of the world also.
From a Christian perspective, the church elsewhere is hugely influenced by what happens in America. Let’s face it, we are all influenced by things American, whether we live in the West or in the under developed world. Coca Cola, or in some countries Pepsi, has evangelized the world and can be found in remote villages, places where the Gospel of Jesus has not even reached!
The influence of films, TV, both secular and Christian, literature, etc., has affected cultures worldwide. In the case of Christianity, the influence in recent times has been for the worse; as the false doctrines of Hyper Faith and Prosperity have found a ready ear amongst those who have little.
Prosperity churches have multiplied exponentially in Africa and many parts of the world, through the influence of American preachers on TV and elsewhere. Former gospel preachers have been converted to these false teachings, which find ready acceptance among their poor members, who falsely see this as a means to escape their poverty.
Prophets everywhere, and there are so many of them worldwide, who falsely predicted a Trump victory, need to repent and retire as well. For true prophecy comes from God and not within.
Jesus spent more time talking about the dangers of greed than He did about prayer! He understood the heart of man, very well. Approximately a quarter of His parables were about the dangers of the love of money, which nearly all of us have in the natural, while another quarter each, relate to developing spiritual fruit in our lives, and the danger of not doing so.
These are the principles we need to understand and live by, not the enticing materialism and false spiritual character, that is being brainwashed into us all, from America.

God is here, in a personal way, for each and every one of us, wherever we are in the world. Let us get back to reading the Word for ourselves, learning and applying what it says. Let us pray and seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance for our lives personally.
May we put aside politics and false doctrines wherever we are, in order to absorb the character of Jesus into our lives. We will then be changed. As we apply His principles and example, society will as well.
Asante Sana (Thank you very much)
David Tait (Servant of God)
Walking With Jesus Ministries (wwj.org.nz)
Building God’s kingdom ‘on earth as it is in heaven’.