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Issue No: 821     Published: 24 Jul 2017


THE CHURCH 100-325AD   

We will see, as we proceed from the death of John round 100AD (generally considered to be the end of the Apostolic Age), that the gifts of the Holy Spirit continued to operate amongst many believers, even as they were rejected by the formalized church that started to develop from this time.

There are a number of historical writers and records confirming the continuation of spiritual gifts. I must first acknowledge that much of the material that follows is drawn from the excellent publication by Eddie L. Hyatt, 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity. For specific references to the writings quoted, please refer to that publication.


Let's have a look at the experiences of these early followers of Jesus.....

Justin Martyr (AD100-165) Justin, a brilliant wandering philosopher, was converted when he met an elderly man on a beach, who pointed out 'the way' to him. He went on to open a Christian school in Rome. Generally regarded as the leading apologist of the 2nd century, he wrote in his "Dialogue With Trypho".....

"For the prophetical gifts remain with us even to the present time." and "Now it is possible to see among us women and men who possess gifts of the Spirit of God."    

In "The Second Apology of Justin", he further wrote.....    
For numberless demoniacs throughout the whole world, and in your city, many of our Christian men exorcising them in the name of Jesus Christ, who was crucified under Pontius Pilate, have healed and do heal, rendering helpless and driving the possessing devils out of the men.
It is clear that, in Justin's time, spiritual gifts were still active amongst the body of believers.

Irenaeus (AD 125-200), bishop of Lyons, is best known for his writings against Gnosticism and other heresies of the day. Born in Smyrna, he was a student of Polycarp, the well-known disciple of the apostle John.    

Refuting Gnosticism, in Against Heresies, he proclaimed the works of the believers to include.....
For some do certainly and truly drive out devils, so that those who have been thus cleansed from evil spirits frequently both believe [in Christ], and join themselves to the Church. Others have foreknowledge of things to come: they see visions and utter prophetic expressions. Others still heal the sick by laying their hands upon them, and they are made whole.   

Irenaeus speaks too, of the dead being raised.....   
Yea, moreover, as I have said, the dead even have been raised up, and remained among us for many years. And what shall I more say? It is not possible to name the number of gifts which the Church [scattered] throughout the whole world has received from God in the name of Jesus Christ.        

.....and of people prophesying and speaking in tongues..... 

In like manner we do also hear many brethren in the Church who possess prophetic gifts and who through the Spirit speak all kinds of languages, and bring to light for the general benefit the hidden things of men, and declare the mysteries of God.

Therefore it can be concluded that the operation of the spiritual gifts was alive and active throughout the life if Irenaeus. Nor was there any expectation that the operation of the gifts would cease.


Tertullian (AD160-240) A noted student of law and philosophy, skilled in both Greek and Latin, he was converted in his early thirties. With this background, he soon became a presbyter of the church in Carthage, then the foremost apologist of his time in the Western church, becoming known as the 'Father of Latin Theology'.
Tertullian's writings confirmed his personal experience of the supernatural gifts of the Spirit, including prophecy, healing and speaking in tongues.      

In "A Treatise on the Soul", he writes.....
"For seeing that we acknowledge the spiritual charismata, or gifts, we too have merited the attainment of the prophetic gift."       

In "To Scapula" he concludes.....  
"And heaven knows how many distinguished men, to say nothing of the common people, have been cured either of devils or of their sicknesses."

When writing to counter the heretic Marcion, in "Against Marcion' he talks about prophecy, tongues and interpretation when he challenges the heretic to produce spiritual gifts..... 
Let Marcion then exhibit, as gifts of his god, some prophets such as have not spoken by human sense, but with the Spirit of God, such as have predicted things to come and have made manifest the secrets of the heart; let him produce a psalm, a vision, a prayer—only let it be by the spirit, in an ecstasy, that is, in a rapture, whenever an interpretation of tongues has occurred to him. Now all these signs are forthcoming from my side without any difficulty.   

In his treatise, "On Baptism", Tertullian describes the need for both water and Spirit baptism.....
Not that in the water we obtain the Spirit; but in the water we are cleansed and prepared for the Holy Spirit. And, following water baptism, "the hand is laid on us, invoking and inviting the Holy Spirit through benediction.       

Tertullian's writings demonstrate that the spiritual gifts continued to be prominent in the church of the third century. 

Origen (AD 185-284) From a prominent Christian family, his father was martyred in Alexandria, in Egypt, when Origen was 16. At 18, Origen was appointed leader of a prominent Christian school founded to instruct converts from paganism, and became the church's first systematic theologian.      

In "Against Celsus", he testifies to having participated in miraculous activities and states.....
Some give evidence of their having received through this faith a marvelous power by the cures which they perform, invoking no other name over those who need their help than that of the God of all things, and of Jesus, along with a mention of His history. For by these means we too have seen many persons freed from grievous calamities, and from distractions of mind, and madness, and countless other ills, which could not be cured neither by men nor devils.       

Origen recognized the reality and value of praying in tongues. In his commentary on Romans 8:26 he links praying in the Spirit with praying in tongues. The commentator Cecil M. Robeck notes,  "Origen must have held that prayer in tongues existed in his day, and it was thought to be beneficial in that it was through this type of prayer that the Spirit interceded exceedingly before God."          

Holy Spirit baptism is also detailed in "De Principiis". Speaking of God breathing into Adam the breath [Spirit] of life, he added that this cannot refer to all men, but only to those who have been made new in Christ. He goes on to say.....      
For this reason was the grace and revelation of the Holy Spirit bestowed by the imposition of the apostles' hands after baptism. Our Savior also, after the resurrection, when old things had already passed away and all things had become new..... His apostles also being renewed by faith in His resurrection, says, "Receive the Holy Spirit."

Origen is the first of the church fathers to acknowledge that the supernatural gifts of the Spirit were decreasing in the church generally remarking when referring to the apostolic age.....     
But since that time these signs have diminished.  

The reason he gives for it however, is not the unavailability of the gifts, but the lack of holiness in the people of the day! A truly insightful insight!


CYPRIAN (AD195-258)  (Pictured) Born in Carthage, he enjoyed a good education in rhetoric and law. Becoming a Christian in his early 50's, He quickly rose to prominence, becoming bishop of Carthage within 2 years, a position he held for 8 years, until his martyrdom.  

An avid student of Tertullian he was not only aware of spiritual gifts, but his congregation practised them, even in times of severe persecution.....   
it seemed best to us through many and clear visions.     

Cyprian had a debate with Stephen, bishop of Rome, over the necessity for re-baptism of those first baptized by heretics. In his discussions he argued.....
One is not born by the imposition of hands when he receives the Holy Ghost, but in baptism, that so, being already born, he may receive the Holy Spirit, even as it happened to the first man Adam. For first God formed him and then breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.       

It is obvious from both this and the visions mentioned earlier, that the gifts of the spirit operated within his congregation. He also indicated elsewhere that they were active amongst the wider body also.       

NOVATIAN (AD210-280) A respected theologian, he was a presbyter in the church of Rome. He became embroiled in an argument with Cornelius, the bishop of Rome, over leniency towards those Christians who had 'lapsed' during persecution. (What would our attitude today be?!) He effectively spawned the first holiness movement, critical of the carnal and impure Christians of the establishing institutional church. The movement, called 'Cathari', meaning pure ones, spread quickly, particularly in the eastern Mediterranean and North African areas.    

In Novatian’s most important surviving writing, 'The Trinity', he talked about the ministry of the Holy Spirit.....   
This is he [the Holy Spirit] who places prophets in the Church, instructs teachers, directs tongues, gives powers and healings, does wonderful works, offers discrimination of spirits, affords powers of government, suggests counsels, and orders and arranges whatever other gifts there are of charismata; and thus making the Lord's Church everywhere, and in all, perfected and completed.       

There are several other early writings confirming that the spiritual gifts remained operational amongst the dedicated followers of Jesus during this period.

(Continued next week)


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May we hear what the Lord is saying to us.


Be watchful (Luke 12:35-40)

“Be dressed and ready, and keep your lamps lit, 36like servants waiting for their master when he returns

from his wedding feast, prepared to open the door quickly for him when he comes and knocks. How good it will be for those servants that the master finds watching when he returns. I tell you the truth, he will get dressed, have them sit down for a meal, and will come and serve them himself!

“Even if he comes at midnight, or just before dawn—how good for them if he finds them watching and ready! But remember this: if the master knew when a thief was coming, he would keep watch, and not allow his house be broken into. You must also be ready, for the Son of man is coming when you don’t expect him.”


Peter’s Question (Luke 12:41-48)

Is this parable for us or for everyone?

 “Who then is the trustworthy and wise manager, the one person in the household that the master puts in charge to share out their food at the right time? It will be good for that servant when his master returns and finds him doing what he should. I tell you the truth, the master will put that servant in charge of everything. But what if the servant were to say to himself, ‘My master is taking a long time in coming,’ and then starts beating the other servants, both men and women, feasting and getting drunk? That servant’s master will return unexpectedly one day at a time he wasn’t aware of, and will punish him severely, treating him as totally untrustworthy.

“That servant who knew what his master wanted and yet didn’t get ready or follow his instructions, will be beaten severely; but the servant who didn’t know and did things deserving punishment will be beaten only lightly. From those who are given much, much will be required, and from those who are entrusted with more, more will be demanded.


Bringing Division, Not Peace (Luke 12:49-53)

I have come to set the earth on fire, and I really wish it was already burning! But I have a baptism to go through, and I’m in agony, wishing it was over! Do you think that I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, I bring division. From now on, if there are five in a family, they will be divided against each other: three against two, and two against three. They will be divided against each other—father against son, son against father, mother against daughter, daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law, and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”


You can download the complete 'Words of Jesus' here.


PHEW! We have arrived and are safely ensconsed in our new 'granny and granddad flat' here in Malaha, on the compound with David and Selina Walhuku and family, just outside the town of Webuye in Bumgoma County, Western Kenya. 

What a contrast to London where we spent the previous 10 days before coming here! The compound is in the country, where you can hear the birds sing, and the roosters, most considerately, do not wake us up at the crack of dawn, but kindly allow an hour of sleeping in!

The weather is generally warm, up to 26c or a little more, in the day and round 13c at night, so sleeping is comfortable. Today is cooler, which Kathy enjoys, and hopefully we will get some rain. This is 'winter'! LOL! When 'summer' comes it will be warmer.

The food is certainly different, the staples being rice and ugali, a doughlike dish made of maize flour and water - and not appealing to Western palates.  (Pictured) This is normally eaten with perhaps some chicken, or a beef stew, or more likely, a bean based mixture and some green vegetables. Certainly a lot less meat than in the West.

Just in case you wanted to know, the roughage and lack of processed foods in the diet makes your bowels move better! 

Time is far more 'fluid' than in the West, and speaking to people more important than getting tasks done quickly. 

Lots more to follow in the weeks ahead as we continue in our adventure, in the place we now call home.

Check out our Facebook page during the week for photos of the place and people  at While there, why not like the page for more detailed updates.

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9 BOOKS are now available on Amazon (Kindle)!

All are available worldwide for electronic download on Amazon (Kindle) for $US0.99c . Unfortunately there has to be a charge in order to list.

Your support would be appreciated and they could well change your life!

They are all found at this link.....




Not clearly numbered and listed, as in the Old Testament outward Law of the 10 Commandments, these commands are found among the teachings of Jesus in the 4 Gospels, and are available for all who have a heart to seek them.

We all too easily think, with the emphasis that Jesus places on love and forgiveness, that he didn't teach any absolutes. But, as can be seen here, Jesus did place boundaries on believer's behaviour, along with instructions for Godly living. 

These are grouped into 3 categories for easier comprehension.

Don't take my word for it! Study the Scriptures!

Downloadable from Amazon for USD99c at.....

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Receive one of David's sayings in your mailbox each day to inspire, challenge or maybe, amuse. To register today, go down to the bottom of the page link below, click on the subscribe  link (or paste the address in an email yourself and send) Then it's done! If you have an Irish heritage, you will love the background coloring! 

Subscription and back issue link is.....


Join the many who have downloaded the 'The Words of Jesus'. I am sure you will be blessed by it, as I have been.

One key element here is the setting out in chronological order (as far as it is possible to do so) our Lord's words drawn from all the Gospels, and the elimination of repetition between Gospels.

You may be surprised by the different perspective this presentation gives you both in understanding of His life and ministry, and in achieving a closer relationship with Him.

Download the free PDF here.....



1115. Christianity could well do with a 'heart transplant' of the compassion of Jesus!

1116. Compassion is, loving others more than ones self.

1117. Sympathy for the plight of others is good, but compassion is doing something about it.

1118. True compassion comes from a heart fully submitted to the Lord's will.

1119. Compassion is a verb in action.

1120. Compassion works when words fail.

1121. Compassion for others is the outworking of the love of Jesus for us.

1122. Compassion speaks louder than words.

1123. Compassion is our reflection of God's heart for us.

1124. Compassion best describes the life of Jesus and should ours too!

1125. God's character is reflected through compassionate acts.


Please feel free to quote these quotes. Acknowledgement of David Tait as the author would be appreciated. There are now over 1300 David sayings for you to view at ...


Visit the Toon Fever website for more cartoon fun.....

Check it out at...



The 'power of 3' is a powerful tool in helping us understand how God works, how we work, and the church too.

Next week we are going to look at the application of this principle to our lives.


As Christians, if we can't laugh at ourselves, others will! A fun way to start your day. To register today, go down to the bottom of the page link below, click on the subscribe  link  (or paste the address in an email yourself and send) Then it's done!


***Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused*** 
*** Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others. *** 

25. The Lord’s Army

A friend was walking out of church in front of me, where he waited to shake hands with the pastor. The pastor grabbed my friend by the hand and pulled him aside. "You need to join the Army of the Lord," said the pastor.

"I already belong," said my friend.

"Well how come we don’t see you except at Christmas and Easter?"

My friend whispered back confidentially, "I’m in the Secret Service."


QWIK QWIP: “We don't change God's message -- His message changes us.”


26. Hymns For The Ageing

--Precious Lord, Take My Hand (And Help Me Stand Up)

--It Is Well With My Soul (But My Back Hurts)

--Nobody Knows The Trouble I Have Seeing

--Amazing Grace (I’ve Got This Far)

--Just A Slower Walk With Thee

--Count Your Many Birthdays, Name Them One By One

--Go Tell It On The Mountain ( And Speak Up)

--Give Me That Old Timers Religion

--Blessed Insurance

--Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah (I’ve Forgotten Where I Parked)


27. More Signs Outside Churches




YOU THINK IT’S HOT HERE? ( In an Arizona Church in August)




FREE DOWNLOAD: You can now download the book 'Laughing At Ourselves' in PDF format at LAUGHING AT OURSELVES One of the most comprehensive sources of Christian Humour on the Net with 800 sermon fillers for your entertainment and use at .....
Or read them all online at.....


LAST WEEKS QUESTION: What invention has resulted in less sleep times for humans?


ANSWER:  Electric lights! Americans, on average, now sleep 1 1/2 hours

less each day than before they came along. (Is TV is helping redress the balance?)


THIS WEEK'S QUESTION:  Why do we ‘bless’ somebody after they sneeze?



26. A Heavy load

In the late 16th century French geographer Gerhard Mercator (1512-1594) published a book of maps whose cover was a picture of Atlas holding the world on his back. Almost from then on any collection of maps has been called an atlas. (First to carry the problems of the world on his shoulders.)


PALPABLY PUZZLING PROBLEM No. 3….. Why are homes called apartments when they are all stuck together?


27. An Imposter?

Napolean was not born in France. He was born on the small island of Corsica. But he was born on the day when France gained control over Corsica from Italy. So he was born in France. (Confused – I am. Maybe he was too.)


28. The World’s Tallest Mountain?

You thought it was Mount Everest? All New Zealanders do, as it was first climbed by our favourite son Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tensing Norgay, from Nepal reaching the Earth's highest point at 11:30 am on May 29, 1953. Although Mount Everest, at 29,028 feet, is often called the tallest mountain on Earth, Mauna Kea, an inactive volcano on the island of Hawaii, is actually taller. For only 13,796 feet of Mauna Kea stands above sea level, yet it is 33,465 feet tall if measured from the ocean floor to its summit. (Difficult to climb from the bottom though!)



Make another word from this word using all the letters.




 Answer at the end of A David Musing


FREE DOWNLOAD: You can download the full version of our Trivia Book at TRULY TRIFFLING TRIVIA here.....

Or check out all 1232 online at.....


14: Where was Paul when the Lord spoke to him in a vision?

a,. Berea
b. Ephesus
c. Corinth
d. Lystra


Answer at the end of A DAVID MUSING



!!!!!!! A pat on the back is only a few inches from a kick in the rear.

!!!!!! Always be yourself because the people that matter don't mind, and the ones who mind, don't matter.

!!!!! "Be my Valentine...forever." - God

!!!! By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong.

!!! Do not believe in miracles...rely on them.

!! Do you brighten a room just by entering or just by leaving?

! Friends may come and go but enemies accumulate.



Car Count
Five New Zealanders, travelling across Europe in an Audi Quattro, arrive at a border crossing. The Customs Officer stops them and says, "It is illegal to put 5 people into a Quattro.
"Why, they asked, more than a little bemused at this European logic.
"Quattro means 4, the customs official replied.
"But Quattro is just the name of the car, they protested. "See these papers. The car is registered to carry 5 people.
"You can't fool me. Quattro means 4. You have 5 people in the car, therefore you're breaking the law.
The New Zealanders replied, "Come on! Really! Please call over your supervisor.
"Sorry, responds the official, "He can't come. He's too busy right now with 2 guys in a Fiat Uno.
It's Later Than You Think (x 3)    Firstly......
An artist asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in his paintings, which were on display at the time. “I have good news and bad news,” the owner replied.
“The good news is that a gentleman enquired about your work and wondered if it would appreciate after your death. When I told him it would, he bought all fifteen paintings.”
“That’s wonderful,” the artist exclaimed. “So, what’s the bad news?”
“The gentleman was your doctor.”
A distraught patient phoned her doctor. “Is it true,” she said, that the medication you prescribed me has to be taken for the rest of my life?”
“Yes, I’m afraid so,” said the doctor.
There was silence on the other end of the phone before the women answered nervously, “I’m wondering then, just how serious is my condition? This prescription is marked, ‘NO REPEATS.’ ”
But Wait - There's More...
Two friends, Bill and Ben, went to the football together every Saturday for 30 years. Unfortunately, one Saturday Bill had a sudden heart attack and died. Ben was distraught.
The next week Ben had to go to the football by himself. He was so sad he called out to his friend Bill, in desperation, “Bill, is there any football in heaven?”
Highly surprised, he heard Bill reply, “Yes Ben, great news! There is twice as much football here as on earth. It’s wonderful!” 
“That’s great news, Bill. I can’t wait to get there!”
“Don’t worry about that, said a buoyant Bill, “I’ve looked at next weeks team sheets and we’re both on the same team!”
Check out many more here.....



We live in a church system that has evolved over the past, nearly 2000 years. It is obvious that the church had problems of doctrine and organisation right from its formation. Many people are reluctant to admit to this, but there were difficulties between Jews and gentiles in a theological sense, as well as practical organisational problems in terms of looking after the needy widows. However, over the centuries, church structures developed and became formalised along human lines. While the Reformation saw some changes, both in theology and organisation, the old, unbiblical, structures have tended to replicate themselves within our modern denominations and groupings. The Bible warns of this.

8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. (Colossians 2:8)

Today, in these end times, God is calling His church back to basics. To its relational roots rather than formal structural organisation and methods that restrict, through human intervention, the Holy Spirit from truly working in the way He would wish. 

Yes, God is calling us today to return to the principles set out in the New Testament, not to create the 'perfect church', for it will still have you and I in it, but rather, one capable of absorbing the promised bountiful end-time harvest.


Download your free PDF File here.....


I had no idea what to write today, so just started, and this is the result! Hope you find it an encouragement too, as I do!



I don't know what to write,
To be humble or to skite!
Which side of my nature will win?
To be godly - or maybe, to sin. 

Life, day by day's a combination of good and bad,
Haven't reached perfection yet - 'tis most sad!
But I am letting my God work on it,
Though sometimes, I'm a real twit!

Why do I do wrong when I know what is right?
Do give up on God without even a fight!
But my God, He never gives up on me,
Nor will He - it's the same for thee!

He gives me the grace I don't deserve,
When on the path of life, I swerve,
One day to the left, another to the right,
When I stray away, He keeps me in sight.

Oh Lord, I thank you so much for all you do,
To keep me on your path, straight and true.
May my daily life become a reflection of You,
More like you Jesus, through and through.

Thank you my Lord for sticking with me,
With You, one plus one equals three!
You give me strength the enemy to fight,
When I'm with you, yes, life is right!


More of David's 'poetry' here.....


Greetings from Webuye, Kenya!

We have not only finally arrived, but have now set up an internet connection. That was not an easy task as it turned out, having had to travel for an hour and a half through many kilometres of slow, rough roadworks to Kakamega, a very much larger cemtre, in order to buy an Iinternet Wifi router for the computor.

There are many huge roading projects and so many more cars than when I first visited, 15 odd years ago. The benefit - or cost - of progress'!

There are so many cultural and physical changes when you shift countries, particularly from the West to Africa! New people, new ways of thinking and doing, new everything in fact. Certainly takes one out of your comfort zone! So far, we are adapting.

Actually, Jesus calls on us to change, if not in location, then within! These are called trials and testings, designed to make us give up on ourselves and benome more and more reliant upon him. 

Are you prepaded to change? We surely have to be!


Until next week....... 


His servant and yours

David Tait

Today's 'Word Puzzle' Answer: SEADOG


TODAY'S 'BIBLE QUESTIONS' ANSWER: c. Corinth (Acts 18: 8,9)


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WALKING WITH JESUS MINISTRIES is a non-profit, non-denominational, Bible based ministry located in Hastings, New Zealand. A ministry dedicated to developing discipleship, fostering unity amongst God's people to achieve the Great Commission, and in doing so, preparing for Christ's return. It is securely based upon the foundational principles of the Apostles Creed while recognising the wide and rich diversity of beliefs amongst Christians in other areas. In accordance with the Lord's direction, materials produced by the ministry are available, free of charge, to genuine enquirers upon request. The ministry is solely funded by donations, as the Lord provides. A list of materials available (plus some fun!) is obtainable and freely downloadable from our website or by contacting us as follows.

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