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Issue No: 985     Published: 31 Aug 2020


The study concludes this week, as we look at the balance of Part 3 THE KINGDOM IS ARISING!

Please prayerfully consider what the Lord is saying. 

Thank you.


David Tait

Walking With Jesus Ministries

A MUZUNGU’S (White Man’s) THOUGHT – Issue 43 Continued


THE CHURCH IS DYING - Part 1 (2 weeks ago)


THE KINGDOM IS ARISING! – Part 3 (Last week and this week)



This is revelation of the kingdom church which is now arising in the form of individuals both inside and outside of all churches. The only qualification is to be sold out to God, obeying Him in every area of our life. 

We do not always succeed, but Jesus is there to pick us up when we acknowledge our failure, and go again. 

The classic Biblical example was King David being seduced by Bathsheba when he stayed home instead of going to war with his army in the spring, the war season. After Bathsheba revealing she was pregnant, and failing to get her husband to sleep with her when he called him back on furlough, Uriah was sent back to the front lines where he was killed. Adultery and murder together! He repented and God still said the he was a man after His own heart. 

Obviously we are not expected to sin like David did! But we have a couple of advantages he did not. The example and instructions of Jesus, plus the personal guidance of the Holy Spirit will help us to avoid King David’s problems. Probably helps that we don’t have the powers of autocratic kingship also! LOL!



In fact, the word we see as ‘church’ in the New Testament, (apologies to all who love the ‘inerrant’ KJV) actually means ‘assembly’. In New Testament times, an assembly was an ‘irregular’ meeting of people who came together to discuss particular business. Trade unions were a typical example. Today’s comparison is a Special General Meeting to discuss a matter of interest to members of an organization. It was not an entity in itself, but held in a general meeting place, such as a hall, today.

King James however, desired to control Christians, as some monarchies and governments today still wish to do, so he had the word assembly translated as church, which of course, was an institution in itself, as was the dominant Roman Catholic Church of the time. Cathedrals were designed with high ceilings and ornate architecture, with beautiful stained glass windows. These large buildings were meant to represent heaven, so that when the peasants came ‘to heaven’ they were easily controlled by the leadership.

Emperor Constantine, who converted to Christianity in the early years of his reign, commencing in AD306,  used religion to push and control his own agenda, so it is nothing new.

 I have just seen a quotation about the development of the church attributed to Rev. Sam Pascoe. It is a short version of the history of Christianity which goes like this… 

“Christianity started in Palestine as a fellowship; it moved to Greece and became a philosophy; it moved to Italy and became an institution; it moved to Europe and became a culture; it came to America and became an enterprise (ie. a business). 

An extreme example of business now is the famous St Pauls Cathedral in central London. Nearly 50 years ago, I was horrified to see a large souvenir shop inside the Cathedral itself. I thought about Jesus cleaning out the Temple. More recently, a major overhaul has been required. As the church can’t and the Government won’t pay the full cost of restoration, you now have to pay as an adult tourist, an 18 pound fee to enter. The Cathedral has turned into a tourist attraction rather than a place of worship, although a church still exists there.

This is an extreme example, but most Western churches, although the leadership won’t admit it, run as a business. Sure, Leaders Meetings will have a prayer at the beginning and end, but in-between it is down to the business of the day. Total offerings….how do they compare with budget….. and so on.

The success of a church is determined by its size, the no. of attendees and the funds given. 

At another extreme there are the TV Evangelists, whose whole aim is a presentation that will extort money out of unsuspecting believers, expecting to receive a blessing from doing so. Palatial homes, cars, and aeroplanes are some of the results for the speaker, and empty pockets for the givers. Maybe next time I will ………. is their reasoning.

The Christian business in all its many forms has taken over Western Christianity today.



The kingdom alternative for today is embedded in the Bible, particularly the New Testament, specifically in the 4 Gospels. 

Most of the parables of Jesus are kingdom related. It is good to repeat the parable subject matter shown above, so it may become firmly embedded in our minds…..                



The first, very important truth to understand is that most of the parables were about individuals, not groups. For the kingdom, to emphasize again, is about people such as you and me, and not directed towards groups or churches. For the kingdom is personal between each one of us and God. 

The 3 largest segments of the pie diagram, which show the emphases in them, are… 

  1. 1.     RICHES AND LOVE OF MONEY (24%) 

Money, the lack of it on the one hand, having lots on the other, is a huge motivating factor in our lives. My Dad used to say as a matter of explanation, “How much money is enough? Just a little more!” That is our human nature. In the Rich Young Man parable, having money makes one self-sufficient. We don’t want to lose our earthly security, for fully following God. Today, in most Western countries the Government too, acts as a backstop should things go wrong. 

When I went bankrupt the first time, I was able to collect an Unemployment Benefit so that I could feed my family. In fact, it worked out for the best, for while standing in the queue at the Social Welfare Office, I gave my heart to Jesus. It took a lack of riches for me to do so. 

Reality is, in most Western societies people now rely upon themselves to provide, with the State step in in when things go awry.   

Now that we live in Kenya, a large majority of the population are very poor, so relying on God is the only option they have. Hence there are a high proportion of believers here. 

Money breeds independence. Jesus realized this very well, hence a quarter of His parables deal with riches. Of course, it is not impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom by going through the ’eye of a needle.’ In Jesus time the eye of the needle referred to the small gate that was in the main gate of the wall protected town. A camel could only fit through by going down on its knees with the rider dismounted. It takes a very special rich person to humble him or herself before God and offer all they own to God, should He desire that, in order to enter the kingdom. 


While a large proportion of Christians know about the Fruit of the Spirt, few are trained to or make the effort themselves to apply them to their lives. 

Here is not the place to go into details of the meaning of each one, but a reminder of them….. 

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)

These are the characteristics of Jesus, those of a disciple, and well on the way to becoming a kingdom person. 


How many Christians realize how serious Christian character is? So important, that Jesus dealt with the consequences of not developing it in our life in a quarter of his parables! 

The parable of the wheat and the tares is typical. Live in the world and you will be thrown into the fire after harvest, while the wheat, those who live Godly lives, will be gathered by Jesus!

This is just one of fifteen parables that incorporate a similar theme! 

Jesus was really serious about Christian living! Simply making a decision to follow Him is not enough! It must be reflected in our actions, in living as Jesus did! 

Character cannot be imposed from without. It must be developed from within. Rules do not form character. They are a façade so often imposed by the church. 

There is a statement in Hebrews 12:14 that most Christians have either not heard about, or conveniently ignore!..... 

Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. (Hebrews 12:14) 

Once I was at a holiness church in Nigeria. The people dressed conservatively and the ladies wore no jewellery or makeup. They were very keen, earnest Christians, but their lives were bound by rules, supposedly to emultate holy living. 

When I spoke, the Holy Spirit came in power, and the people were released from the bondages that had been holding them down. as I was leaving, I was mobbed like a film star! The only time that has happened, I can assure you! Fortunately! But the people had been released from the spiritual bondages imposed on them and were set free. 

Character, developing spiritual gifts, must come from within, through the prompting and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, your appearance of Christian character will disappear when you are under pressure and your façade falls away. 

This relates very closely to the kingdom of God….. 

Nor will people say, Look! Here [it is]! or, See, [it is] there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in your hearts] and among you [surrounding you]. (Luke 17:21) AMPC

The kingdom is not some external place, although it can, and should be, reflected externally, but the seed of the kingdom is within us, and we should let the Holy Spirit develop it into a beautiful flower of God, reflected in our personality and actions. 

My Great Aunt Ina, in her later years, was a beautiful example of Kingdom living. She was badly afflicted with arthritis, which was very painful. I remember her sitting next to fire with a Bible on her knee, and a big smile on her face, that belied her suffering. When she knew her nieces and nephews were coming, she would drag herself up to her bench and cook her speciality, and our favourite, queen cakes. This took a huge effort by her. But she never complained. This was a beautiful example of kingdom living and was a witness of Jesus in her life to all who called.

Our failure to give ourselves completely over to our God, to develop all the fruit of the Spirit in our lives has, as Jesus explained in this quarter of His parables, dire consequences for our eternal future.



Likely the best known of Jesus parables, and the one Jesus took great care to explain the meaning of, or at least the soils part of it. The soils are different types of people who hear His Word, and their responses to it. Concluding the parable are the crops produced by different believers – 30, 60 and 100 fold.

Preachers concentrate on the soils, while God showed me that me that the true importance is in the crops produced. Salvation is free, and the same for all, but after salvation, believers vary a lot in the crop produced through their conversion. 

We can compare the crop levels with progress into the Tabernacle of Moses, for the layout of the Tabernacle relates to the church types a through history into what we see today. 

On the diagram you can see the Outer Court, The Holy Place and the Holy of Holies where the presence of God dwelled above the Ark.


TRADITIONAL/EVANGELICAL CHURCHES: These have come into being since the Reformation, where the Biblical truth of the just shall live by faith originated. 

These churches believe in SALVATION (entering through the gate), the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for our sins (BRAZEN ALTAR) and in most cases, water baptism, represented by the LAVER.  


PENTECOSTAL/CHARISMATIC CHURCHES: Around the turn of the 20th century, The Holy Spirit came in power in both Azuza Street in America and in Wales. In Wales, the pubs and prisons emptied and the ponies that worked in the mines hauling the coal didn’t know what to do for they were used to swear word instructions! 

Over time the Spirit moved into some Traditional and Evangelical churches in the form of the Charismatic Movement. 

These churches had revelation of the Word (TABLE OF SHEWBREAD), a depth of prayer (LAMPSTAND) and praise and worship (ALTAR OF INCENSE) 


The KINGDOM CHURCH, which is now arising. As already mentioned, it is a group of people worldwide, united in the Holy Spirit, who are fully sold out to God, emulating Jesus and obedient to the will of God the Father.  They can be called the Overcomers, or the Bride of Christ. 

They dwell in the presence of the ARK OF THE COVENANT. In the Ark are 3 items. Firstly, the TABLETS OF THE LAW, You may remember that there are 2 copies of the same thing, not 5 on each. One copy is for God, one for man. Both the tablets, the second time, were provided by Moses and written on by the hand of God. Symbolic in the kingdom of us writing Gods commandments on our heart so we might live them. That is, living a righteous and holy life. A little quoted verse confirms….. 

You, therefore, must be perfect (growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity), as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:48 AMPC) 

Secondly, there is the ROD OF AARON, whose buds supernaturally grew foliage and flowers when other ones wouldn’t. A rod speaks of power.  Many people want power, but few are prepared to pay the spiritual price, so that God can trust you with it! With power comes responsibility to use it wisely. 

The third item in the Ark is the JAR OF MANNA, which the Israelites ate during the 40 years in the desert. Bread speaks of the word. Manna speaks of the Word in you, so much a part of you that you live it every day. 

When Jesus died, the veil or curtain restricting entry from the Holy Place to the Holy of Holies was supernaturally torn from the top to the bottom, allowing entry into the presence of God by us.  In the book of Hebrews, it states that the Incense Alter has been moved into the Holy of Holies. Therefore we can enter into the presence of God through praise and worship. Many do this – for a limited time until worship is over. Then we move back into the world. 

The kingdom is for those pure in heart. Of course none of us are perfect! But when we seek forgiveness, as King David did many times, such as his adultery with Bathsheba and effectively killing her husband in battle, we can become like him in God’s sight, a man after my own heart.



It is an appropriate time to share my testimony. Not because I am perfect, far from it. But because I am trying to let the Holy Spirit guide me in doing the Fathers will for my life, so that I may come nearer to being a spiritual copy of Jesus. When I fail, as you will see, God teaches me a lesson, in order to let Him improve me in His sight. 

Brought up in a Christian home, I was involved in the church until I was 33. Then, tired of church hypocrisy I walked in the world, very successfully until the share market crash of 1987, when I lost my mail order business, the largest of its type in New Zealand. It is then my story of walking with God starts. 

I was devastated! And unable to feed my family! I gave my heart to the Lord in the queue of the New Zealand Social Welfare Office, signing up for the Unemployment Benefit. How the independent one had fallen! 

The following are just a few of the amazing things the Lord has done since. 

The Lord miraculously re-established us in business. One day, 2-3 years from when I had accepted Him as my Saviour and Lord, I was weeding the plants on our Flower Farm, when the Lord stooped me and talked to me in an audible voice. He asked me to set up His ministry, Walking with Jesus Ministries, based on Revelation 12:11, which we analysed earlier, emphasizing obedience to His will. 

We agreed that I would give Him half the day, as we had a business to run. 

He then got me to write a Discipleship Course,’ Walking With Jesus’. As I was a new Christian, I held the pen and the Holy Spirit wrote it! Many thousands of copies were distributed through the mail order catalogue our new mail order business, Kaydees Gardens, and the Lord funded it too! 

Some years later again, He told me He would bring a buyer for our business within a month so that I could go into full time ministry. Nothing happened for 30 days. On the 31st day, I shared this with one of our suppliers in another city. He told me he had been waiting for me to say this as one of his staff wanted to buy it! Sold, right on time! 

I then made my biggest mistake! Not wanting to rely on support from others I built 14 flats, so we could live on the rental income. Unfortunately it was a David, not a God idea! The costs went up, house prices down, and I went bankrupt again! “NOW YOU WILL RELY UPON ME”, said the Lord. “Yes Lord!” 

Since then I have never worked for money. The Lord has provided, not all our wants, but our needs. For 25 years now. 

He has given me much teaching on the kingdom of God, before the term was in general usage. At that time I called kingdom people ‘Taberneagles’ after the Feast of Tabernacles, the representative kingdom Feast of the Lord, plus the eagle, the representative bird of the kingdom age. Obviously, I was ahead of the times! Now the term used is, ‘kingdom people.’ 

I spent time studying, listening to the Lord, and writing, plus travelling to Africa primarily, but other parts of the world also. For 10 years people generally, could not really understand what I was saying. 

One day I arrived in Capetown, South Africa, which is a long way from New Zealand, and at that time the longest flight in the world. I was dog tired! And just wanting to sleep before ministering the next day! My host persuaded me however, to go and listen to this man speak. He was from Singapore, and to this day, I don’t remember his name. He was speaking the same stuff the Lord had given me! Wow, I woke up fast! Suddenly, there was someone else with the same revelation! 

While I was in Capetown, I met several others with the same revelation too. The one thing we all had in common was being through something tough in our lives. For me it was financial, for others, different challenges. Then I understood I was not alone in the world! 

On my last visit to Africa for speaking, the Lord provided my fare and nothing else. We were broke at the time, so all I could take was $US30, or 50cents a day for the 2 months I was there! After 10 days, again in South Africa, I was down to $1! Little money had been given when I spoke. Then the Lord came to the rescue! I spoke at a church in a school hall. The pulpit had an eagle carved on the top, a kingdom symbol. I spoke, the people understood, and gave! The meetings after this were all the same. I left the country with some money, enough to get me through Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya. When I left the airport in Nairobi I had no money, but no debt either! Thank you Lord. Certainly a testing experience!

After that the Lord set us up in another business. A ministry business! After so long just ministering, it was a real surprise. God’s plans can change for you from one season to another.


The Lord introduced me to the second hand clothing business when I was in Nigeria! When I came home, the Lord opened the way. He provided a building. The non-Christian real estate agent heard this ‘little voice’ telling him to keep working for us, even when things seemed impossible. We wanted a big building but had no money so landlords weren’t interested, but finally, one was prepared to give us a go. 

We had no money for equipment or transport to collect clothes, but amazingly the Lord provided it all.

Seekers Megamart grew into a chain of 11 stores in a few years. (Photos Napier and Hastings Stores) We provided clothing for the locals at value prices, and surpluses were sent to Africa for projects. Eventually, when times toughened our chief competitor bought us out.

Another few years pass and here we are unexpectedly, at the Lord’s direction, in Malaha, Webuye, Kenya, a where we have built the Kingdom Faith Based Hospital, a general hospital but specializing in eyes, as well as ministering.

 It has been and remains a real challenge for us but the Lord and generous donors have seen us come this far, with a promise of more in the future. The story continues…..



We all have repeated this phrase many times as part of the Lord’s Prayer, without considering its meaning. 

If we consider it at all, we see it as something in the future, likely to be associated with the return of Jesus. 

But as we near the end of our revelation on the kingdom of God, there remains this one important element to consider. 


Our Godly actions to others represent the kingdom of God upon the earth. 

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. (Matthew 5:14) 

The light of the world is God’s kingdom developing right where His sold out believers are. Taking a meal to a neighbour, or lending a listening ear to someone’s problems, is showing the kingdom upon the earth. 

Not everyone has to build businesses or hospitals, nor minister fulltime. 

The Coming of the Kingdom of God 

20 Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, 21 nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.” (Luke 17:20-21NIV) 

In the literal translation of the King James Version it states, “the kingdom of God is in you”. 

If the kingdom truly is in you, through the sacrifice of your life to Jesus, your actions will reflect God’s kingdom in the very place you are, doing what God has you doing in your everyday life. You will be well connected to the Holy Spirit, who in turn, will lead and guide you in His path. 

Change is a constant factor in kingdom life. None of us are perfect, and God will test us try us to make us change more into His image. But often change involves more than this. Getting a new job – or no job at all! Shifting house, city, country or continent, all may be in God’s plan for you, as it has been several times for Kathy and me. One cannot develop while in your comfort zone, so God tests us with change, to see how committed we truly are to Him.  We must always be listening to what he says to us and be ready to act upon it.

In the couple of years before I turned 50, God was asking me to give up drinking alcohol. Not that I drank much. We enjoyed a glass of wine with our meal. But I rejected what He was telling me, thinking I was imagining it. One day I was praying for people in our church after the service. I prayed for a man who was an alcoholic and had been prayed for many time s before. I aid to him, ‘You have been prayed for so many times. Actually, you have to give up drinking!” The Lord shot back at me like an arrow to the heart and said, “How dare you say that! I have been telling you to stop drinking for years and you haven’t!” I was in shock and never drank again! 

Later I found out why. Not because drinking in moderation is wrong, but when you come to minister in Africa, generally the first questioned you are asked is,” Do you drink?” For in Africa, when people come to Jesus, they stop drinking alcohol. Just the way it is in societies where alcohol does so much harm. 

God knew what he had for me in the future. It would not have happened had I not stopped drinking. Maybe trips to Africa would have come earlier had I obeyed Him the first time He asked! 

Again, I am just like us all, not perfect, not walking 100% in His light. We all need to change when He tells us to.



Building disciples (of God, not the leader) is an essential step towards kingdom living. If we are not taught and guided by example, it is difficult to grow in the things of God. True discipleship points the way to kingdom living.



Sadly, just like the word ‘apostle’ the ‘kingdom of God’ is being misused by the church today. Actually, in a perverse way it is good, for it means the position of an apostle and the kingdom of God are returning to the church after a long period of absence. So misuse is inevitable. 

Many leaders now call themselves an ‘Apostle’, with a capital ‘A’, without knowing the true meaning of the function. It’s not a church planter or missionary, as most think, but rather, God’s messenger. Churches, particularly here in Africa, can be started or taken over by someone who appears godly and most likely has a Western backer, for money talks here! 

But there are very few people worldwide who are prepared to sacrifice everything for God, as in the example of Paul, the apostle and servant of Jesus. Never with a capital A! A true apostle walks humbly as a servant of his Lord and Master 

When many leaders talk about the kingdom of God, they really mean own kingdom! No church is the kingdom of God. For the kingdom consists of individuals sold out to the Lord, not a manmade institution, no matter how spiritual it may look. Many people will capitalize ‘Kingdom’, but that is incorrect. Have a look in the New Testament. For people are kingdom, not organizations. 

Our Kingdom Faith Based Hospital is not kingdom per se, but some of us are kingdom people who reflect the light of God’s kingdom through treating people who are sick, and most satisfyingly, healing the blind through the wonder of Cataract Surgery.



As Jesus said in Luke 17, quoted above, the kingdom cannot be seen here or there in any organization, but simply through people lives, those whose light shines brightly, those who produce the 100 fold crops of the Parable of the Sower, those who live in the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle of Moses. 

Kingdom is people. Anyone can become a kingdom believer but only if they are prepared to pay the price of putting God at the forefront of their life - to follow Jesus with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, while looking after their neighbours as themselves. 

The question remains. Are we, are you, prepared to pay the price. 


(Thank You)


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WALKING WITH JESUS MINISTRIES is a non-profit, non-denominational, Bible based ministry located in Hastings, New Zealand. A ministry dedicated to developing discipleship, fostering unity amongst God's people to achieve the Great Commission, and in doing so, preparing for Christ's return. It is securely based upon the foundational principles of the Apostles Creed while recognising the wide and rich diversity of beliefs amongst Christians in other areas. In accordance with the Lord's direction, materials produced by the ministry are available, free of charge, to genuine enquirers upon request. The ministry is solely funded by donations, as the Lord provides. A list of materials available (plus some fun!) is obtainable and freely downloadable from our website or by contacting us as follows.

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