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Issue No: 91     Published: 28 Jul 2003



Something I've been ruminating on, (in the brain-chewing, not the cud-chewing sense) is the notion that God's laws are like the skeleton in the Bible and God's love and grace are like the flesh. We need both because the skeleton provides strength and stability. The flesh provides warmth and comfort. Some traditions focus on God's laws more than His love and it's like getting hugged by a skeleton. It's too harsh. It hurts. Some traditions focus on God's love and grace and pay little attention to God's laws. There is warmth and comfort, but no strength or ability to accomplish anything without the skeleton. Where is the balance?

We know that Jesus accepts and loves people as they are. But he never pretended that sin was not sin. People don't like to be told that they are sinning. How do we welcome people into God's love while holding the standards that some of the things people are doing are simply not right?

Has anyone else come up with answers to these questions?

I am sure Jesus has the answer, indeed you have provided it yourself - balance - and that He is saddened at times when we go to one extreme or the other. However a few words from a non-theologian may assist in your ruminations.

The radical change in the ministry of Jesus was the gracious provision of 'grace' as the only workable means of obtaining reconciliation with our God. The law had been tried and had failed, as no one had been able to fulfill all its provisions, all of the time. So God's forgiveness through the one time sacrifice of Jesus dying on the cross, that awful yet glorious day at Calvary, was essential for us to be able to enter back into a right relationship with our God. For 'applied' grace turns us from black into white, from sin into purity. Not simply grace, but our individual acceptance of it on an ongoing basis in our daily living. Hence, we are said to be living in the Age of Grace.

On the other hand, Jesus came to fulfil the Law. The problem was not the Law itself but our ability to keep it! So we are not to ignore the Law, but to call upon God’s grace on those all too frequent occasions when we fail to live up to the standards it sets.

The answer, to a simple person like me, is that both are important – we are ‘TO BE’ and we are also ‘TO DO”. Knowing that when we inevitably fail ‘to do’, we need to fall back on the mercy of God’s grace, for the ‘to be’ in our life to be restored.

The answer to your question is found in discipleship, the way of living we are all called to. For as disciples, we desire to live the lifestyle of Jesus, who kept the Law perfectly (God's, not mans additions to it), but are comforted and restored by the assurance of the grace of Jesus to rescue us when we fail. To obey the will of the Father is to obey the Law, for God gave Moses the Law in the first place. The important exception now of course, is in the area of sacrifice, where Jesus himself fulfilled all the Old Testament requirements. So we seek his grace in place of the Law's various sacrifices. Grace is the reason to live the ‘good’ life, for it enables us to do it successfully. Grace however, is not an excuse to continue sinning, even though we all do so from time to time.

The important thing is our heart. For our God is seeking out those at this time who truly have a heart for Him. Who endeavour to live as Jesus did. If this is our heart, then the conflict between the Law and Grace is resolved. For the two live in perfect harmony, as does the skeleton with the flesh – at least when we are young! Let’s then, 'graciously work' to restore this balance and commitment, both in ourselves and to our churches.

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"But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! Again, the gift of God is not like the result of the one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ." (Romans 5:15-17)

" “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:17-20)

"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love." (Romans 15:7-10)


Thoughts arising from today's leading article:

701. Man expects 'to do' in order 'to be', but God requires us 'to be' in order 'to do'.

702. In God's dictionary, 'doing' follows 'being'.

703. 'To do' is simply living out our 'to be'.

704. If 'to do' does not follow out of our 'to be', then our 'to be' is 'not to be'!

705. 'To be' a witness is 'to do' God's will.

706. We are first called 'to be', then 'to do'.

707. Too often we try 'to do' when God is simply calling us 'to be'.

708. 'To do' good, it is best 'to be' good!

709. To best know what 'to do', we must first learn how 'to be'.

710. If 'what to do' is your question, look to 'what to be' to find your answer.

711. When 'to be or not to be' is the question, 'to be and to do' is the answer.

712. True 'being' results in 'doing'.

713. 'Being' without 'doing' is like a motor without a car. Makes plenty of noise but takes you nowhere!

714. 'To be' is the salt, 'to do' the light. We are called to be both.

Please feel free to quote these quotes. Acknowledgement of David Tait as the author would be appreciated. There are now more than 700 David sayings for you to view at ...


I don't mind if you use it anonymously or if you use my name. I just know that a lot of very well meaning Christians struggle with some issues that seem to be trivial to some but earth shattering to others.

My goal is to use well versed Bible leaders such as yourself who have a good understanding of GOD's Word and are available and willing to share. Use whatever questions I may have to help others or use for topic discussion if you think it has any value.
In Christ's Name.

I really appreciate your help of late on matters that concern myself and some others;
matters that can cause real problems if we let them. I struggle so much trying to figure out when I have to accept by grace what I don't understand and can't find definitive answers for in God's Word. I trust Him and know that He is not a God of confusion, but its
frustrating at times when I can't find in His Word a definite answer to a pressing (seemingly) question.

In His time and in His way He will show me I know, I'm just not very good at waiting for God to answer. Always wanting the answer right away and not wanting to wait. I do thank you for your assistance .
May God Keep you and Bless you.

Dear David,
Thanks for the debate on alcohol.
First, I think your friend from India was referring to Lot's daughters. Psalm 104 verse 11 tells me that wild donkeys quench their thirst with water and verse 15 tells me that it is wine that gladdens the heart of man. A Member of Parliament (he must have been Conservative) said:-

"If we drink too much, we will go to sleep.
While we are asleep we cannot sin.
If we do not sin, we go to heaven.
So let's all have another drink."

I hope none of your correspondents come up with the extremely bad exegesis that the water Jesus turned into wine at Canna of Galilee was non-alcoholic.
Yours in our Lord,

Thanks for PGIM of encouragement. A pleasure to read each week. Bringing a smile definitely brings encouragement. A word of warning! - the functioning of net curtains has nothing to do with distance, and everything to do with light levels!

Those on the darker side can see through to the lighter side, the people on the brighter side can't see through to the darker side. So in the daylight you have privacy indoors, as evening comes round and you turn lights on in the house so your privacy breaks down!
Watch out who you are exposing yourself to. I am sure you could turn this into a parable or moral tale of some kind.
Wishing you every blessing
Mike (UK)

Dear friends in Jesus Christ
I would like to encourage you to continue dividing with us words of God.
I am very proud with your words.
In the name of Jesus
Mary Mbonekera
Malawi Prison Service

Dear David
Took me a whole hour of my day off but found the thirty books they are in Bible order (wont give them in script order – too easy)Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Chronicle, Esther, Job, Lamentations, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Nahum, Malachi. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, Peter, Revelation. Hope that helps those who are mystified.
Waimea Plains Anglican Parish
New Zealand

Dear David,
Always enjoy it, but India did invade Bhutan fairly recently. I remember watching it on the news one night while I was in High School. Never heard another thing about it, but Sikkim is on my old globe and is no longer on the new one.
Shalom in Yeshua Ha Moshiach
Michael Joe Thannisch

Dear David,
Regarding the fun fact “927. NO CONQUESTS India hasn’t invaded any country in her last 10,000 years of history. (Others haven’t been so kind to her though.)” I do not think that this is exactly true. India invaded (what was then) East Pakistan in 1971, helping the secessionists to set up Bangladesh. The Indian Army was the decisive factor in Pakistan losing control of this Eastern Province and it becoming an independent nation.
Richard Maclean.

So I asked our Ministry's Indian Representative...

Dear David,
Coming to the point of ‘one of the Facts’ of last week PGIM, I consulted with the professors and History scholars. The same view what I have given they too given. I here with give some explanation. India has a rich heritage and culture. India is primarily (rather Indians) submissive not aggressive. India opts for non-violence. That is the reason British could rule India nearly 400 years. In other words India was invaded. 1971 Bangladesh movement was because of Pakistan. As matter of fact Pakistan or Bangladesh is part of India. Because of the British rule it has been divided. Those who have responded to your ‘927. NO CONQUESTS’ might have not looked into the heritage, culture, honesty and hospitality of India. India has given back the places that it has possessed during war to Pakistan. It has appointed Sheik Mujboor Rehaman as the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. One can understand if they study the ‘Simla pact”, in the time Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi and then Pakistan Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Bhutan also it was the part of India. It’s somewhat an internal struggle among the brothers.

There were times that India invaded in ancient times. The king Raja Rajendra Chola invaded some islands to propagate the Buddhism. One is present Indonesia, and then it was Sukarna Island. ‘Su’ means good and Karna is one of the heroes of ‘Maha Bharatha’ the ancient history and religious book if Hindus. That is the name of ‘Sukarno Putrika”. Any way it is somewhat sensitive topic, I suggest better not enter in.

An illustration, If India and Pakistan requests USA to be mediator and in the process USA has taken possession of Kashmir. Then what do you call it? Definitely it’s not an invasion. The case is quite similar with Bhutan and Sikkim is part of India. In 1962 under the Prime Ministership of Jawahar Lal Nehru India merged Goa into the country, then it was under the control of Portuguese. At that time John. F Kennedy questioned how India could do so. The Prime Minister Jawaharlal Lal Nehru replied it is the part of India invaded by Portuguese. So nothing is wrong taking back the territory into the country.

This is all about India’s invasion. Okay.

Asher Peri

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LAST WEEKS QUESTION: What exactly does "Homo sapiens" mean?

ANSWER: "Homo" comes from the Latin for "man," and "sapiens" means "wise." So "Homo sapiens" means "wise man."

THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: Did Cinderella really dance in glass slippers?

Answer Next Week.


A tsunami, or tidal wave, is a huge wave caused by seismic movements, that is earthquakes in the ocean. The waves can reach heights of more than 100 feet, destroying whole villages and thousands of people. Some historians believe that a tidal wave destroyed the Minoan culture in Crete in about 1450 BC when a 200-foot wave is believed to have demolished the island. Fortunately, tidal waves do not occur often - on average, about once every six years in the Pacific Ocean. (In the ocean of life, tidal waves seem more frequent than this.)

In 1984 the state of New York became the last of the United States to put photographs on drivers' licenses. (Would a mirror have been better?)

The Western calendar and the names of its months were inherited from a long line of Roman calendars, but the word 'month' itself came from the Anglo-Saxon monath. (When in England, do as the Romans do - mostly.)


A farmer has 17 sheep and all but 9 die. How many are left?

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***Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused***

*** "Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others." ***

184. MOVIN' ON UP...
A lady whose husband's climb up the ladder to success led her to a more showy way of life changed to a better car, finer home, more expensive furs and a more socially-upscale church. After another major advance which landed her at the Mercedes-Benz stage, she paid a visit to her latest minister.

"I've had the feeling for some time that I should fit in better with my friends at another church," she sniffed, swinging her furs around her back and flashing her diamond rings. "What would be your opinion, sir?"

"My dear lady," the clergyman replied, "it matters little what kind of label you put on an empty bottle!"

10. When he announces VBS he yells the word "VACATION" with special emphasis.
9. He has replaced the framed Ten Commandments in the foyer with a travel poster.
8. The bulletin cover has had pictures of Hawaii on it for the past 5 weeks.
7. His first words to the congregation on Sunday morning are "all right, listen up you heathens..."
6. He falls asleep during his own sermon.
5. He shows up for Sunday service wearing Bermuda Shorts and a Tank Top.
4. Every time his pager goes off, he exhibits a facial tic and shouts, "Why can't they just leave me alone?!"
3. He wears scuba flippers, mask and snorkel to the baptism service.
2. You go to his office for counseling and pour your heart out to him and he says, "Sounds like a personal problem to me."
1. For the past two months he has preached the same sermon every Sunday: "Come Ye Apart and Rest A Little While."

Now one of the most comprehensive sources of Christian Humour on the Net with 550 sermon fillers for your entertainment and use at ...


John Paul II Consortium on Marriage and the Family, 1999

*** Marriage socializes men. Once married, men earn more, work more, and attend church more often. They also frequent bars/taverns less (Nock 1998).

*** Couples who value marriage and disapprove of divorce are less likely to get divorced (Bumpass and Sweet 1995) and they are more likely to invest themselves in their marriages (Amato and Rogers 1999).

*** A survey of 18,000 adults in 17 industrialized nations found that married persons have a significantly higher level of happiness than unmarried adults, even after controlling for health and financial status, which are also linked to marriage (Stack and Eshleman 1998).

*** Akerlof (1996) ties the decline of marriage—including "shotgun marriage"—among working and lower class men to the rise in crime, drug use, and underemployment among teens and 20something men since the 1960s. He also makes the point that these trends have a multiplier effect, such that increases in the percentage of unmarried young men tend to lead to greater peer acceptance of not marrying/hooliganism, which only accelerates the downward cycle of social pathology in many urban and rural environments dominated by under-socialized unmarried young men. In making this argument, he makes a fairly powerful case that Charles Murray's welfare argument and William J. Wilson's jobs argument do not do a very good job in accounting for the rise in illegitimacy. The decline of shotgun marriage, as well as the cultural shift in sexual norms occasioned—in part—by the rise of contraception and abortion in the late 1960s, however, does a much better job accounting for the rise in illegitimacy.

Many more facts about marriage and families, the basis of God's society structure, are to be found at...


On their anniversary night, the husband sat his wife sat down in the den with her favourite magazine, turned on the soft reading lamp, slipped off her shoes, patted and propped her feet and announced that he was preparing dinner all by himself. "How romantic!" she thought.

Two-and-a-half hours later, she was still waiting for dinner to be served. She tip-toed to the kitchen and found it a colossal mess. Her harried husband, removing something indescribable from the smoking oven, saw her in the doorway.

"Almost ready!" he vowed. "Sorry it took me so long - I had to refill the pepper shaker."

"Why, honey, how long could that have taken you?"

"More'n an hour, I reckon. Wasn't easy stuffin' it through those dumb little holes."

I was browsing in a souvenir shop when the man next to me struck up a conversation.

Just as he was telling me that his wife was getting carried away with her shopping, a brief power shortage caused the lights to flicker overhead.

"Ah," he sighed, "that must be her checking out now."

Much more marriage and family humour to entertain and possibly offend (but don't worry - if you keep reading you are sure to agree with some of it!) at...


I have been blessed with a tremendous wife of 33 years - well, most of the time that is! Only problem is that it took me 20 years to realise it! You will have to ask her about me, her husbad, sorry, husband!

A bit about our journey (no book is long enough for the full story) is found at...


Life is short
When watching sport......

But life is so very eternally long,
When the preacher misses the gong.......

Yet, if you time them both on your watch,
The sermon will be shorter than the match!

Funny that!

His servant and yours

David Tait


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WALKING WITH JESUS MINISTRIES is a non-profit, non-denominational, Bible based ministry located in Mount Maunganui, New Zealand. A ministry dedicated to developing discipleship, fostering unity amongst God’s people to achieve the Great Commission, and in doing so, preparing for Christ’s return. It is securely based upon the foundational principles of the Apostles Creed while recognising the wide and rich diversity of beliefs amongst Christians in other areas. In accordance with the Lord’s direction, materials produced by the ministry are available, free of charge, to genuine enquirers upon request. The ministry is solely funded by donations, as the Lord provides. A list of materials available (plus some fun!) is obtainable and freely downloadable from our website or by contacting us as follows.

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