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Issue No: 667     Published: 28 Jul 2014


Join the many who have downloaded the 'The Words of Jesus'. I am sure you will be blessed by it, as I have been. There have been approaching 250 downloads to date.

One key element here is the setting out in chronological order (as far as it is possible to do so) our Lord's words drawn from all the Gospels, and the elimination of repetition between Gospels.

You may be surprised by the different perspective this presentation gives you both in understanding of His life and ministry, and in achieving a closer relationship with Him.

Download the free PDF here.....



Again I acknowledge that much of the material that follows is drawn from the excellent publication by Eddie L. Hyatt, 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity. For specific references to the writings quoted, please refer to that publication.

We now proceed to the 20th century which, as we all know, was noted for outpourings of the Holy Spirit. Surely all would now be transformed by the Spirit and the bride church produced. Of course, we now know the reality, where there has been greater splits and divisions than ever before. God weeps!


The Day of the Lord

28 “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. 29 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. (Joel 2:28-9)


Since the Charismatic Renewal there have been other spiritual revivals which, while not as universal in their influence, have impacted on the church in some way, whether it be territorially, denominationally, or through influencing the wider body. Some, particularly Peter Wagner, have described these as the 'Third Wave' of spiritual revival, after the after the Pentecostal Revival of the early 20th Century and then the more recent Charismatic Renewal. Some have arisen and waned, while others have been become formalized within new denominations. It would be fair to say that none individually, have had the widespread impact of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, but collectively, they have had a considerable influence in the later 20th century. Only a sample can be considered here.....

THE PENSECOLA REVIVAL (John Kilpatrick, pastor, Steve Hill, evangelist, Michael Brown, teacher)

The last major 'megachurch' American revival came after 2 years of revival prayers at the Brownsville Assembly of God, instigated and led by their pastor, John Kilpatrick. On Father's Day, June 18, 1995, the invited speaker, Steve Hill, a revivalist evangelist, preached and gave an invitation for prayer. Approximately 1000 responded and "an unusual measure of the Lord’s presence and power came into their midst."

A more traditional revival than that in Toronto, it is recorded.....

Stephen’s insatiable burden for lost souls, which often drove him to tears while preaching a message of repentance and forgiveness, spread like an uncontrollable flame through the hearts of men in the revival meetings.

Professor Vinson Synan, a leading Pentecostal historian and the Dean of the Regent University School of Divinity, called it.....

the largest local church revival in the history of America,.... Brownsville, with its emphasis on conversion and people weeping over conviction of sin, seems to be a revival in the long tradition of American native revivals dating back to the preaching of Jonathan Edwards. There’s heavy preaching on sin, repentance, conversion, and holiness. And there’s a lot more weeping and wailing over sin than there are the so-called exotic manifestations.

Here is an (abbreviated) account of one man's experience......

In July of 1996, over a year into the revival, I was a 17 year-old atheist, regularly doing drugs, toting guns, given to drunkenness, filled with rage and bitterness, and battling suicidal thoughts......

We arrived in Pensacola on July 20th, 1996, and showed up at Brownsville AG at about 1 p.m. Already, nearly a thousand people were gathered in a large bunch near the door, waiting for the meeting which began at 7 p.m.! As an unbeliever, I thought, “What is wrong with these people? They’re nuts! Why are they so excited to get into an AG Church?” I remember spontaneous hymns of praise rising from the throng while we waited outside in the hot Florida sun. “How Great Thou Art,” “Amazing Grace,” and several others. Passers-by on the street (the Church met in the poorer area of the city) were hearing songs of praise to the Lamb of God, and this has been common in times of revival over the course of history. O, that every city would hear again of the glory of Christ, through the revived hearts of His people! But here I was, in the midst of the crowd, totally detached from their joy.

My hardened heart grew curious when the doors opened, as I saw men, women and children moving quickly and earnestly for a seat in the building. As I walked into the building, even as a hardened sinner, I began to sense a difference in the atmosphere. A strange pull began to affect me. I felt increasingly uncomfortable about my sin, but there was an unspoken yearning for truth, reality, and salvation rising in my soul. I watched the people engaging in fervent and sincere worship and praise which lasted well over an hour, and a conviction of my sinfulness was intensifying. I attempted to put a wet blanket over it, even turning to the young man next to me and speaking in jest about the people worshipping around me. But I could not evade or circumvent the fact that something, or Someone, as real as He was invisible, was moving in the midst of this people.....

.....the evangelist began to preach. It was a passionate call to repentance, a cry to humble ourselves, turn from sin, have faith in the work of the cross, and receive the free mercy of Jesus Christ. I later discovered that this was his message every night at the Brownsville Revival, but on that night, I felt I was alone in a room with the preacher and the Holy Spirit.

The word was like a hammer that shatters the rock, and I could not resist the Spirit any longer. I understood clearly that I had to “flee from the wrath to come” and receive a new heart from the God of mercy. I was undone in my sin, and overcome with the revelation of the cross of Christ. I was gloriously born from above that night, and nothing has been the same since. Glory to the Lamb that was slain!


In 2000, as we have seen many times previously, division and strife basically brought an end to the revival. The dispute here involved money, authority and accountability, involving John Kilpatrick, the AOG denomination and Michael Brown, the president of the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry.

However, over 5 years over 4 had million attended and 200,000 were saved. Many more sought forgiveness and committed to living more holy lives.

So we can continue to say.....


(Continues next week)

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The Lord has asked me to compile a publication of the words Jesus spoke, as recorded in the New Testament in chronological order.

Of course, it is not a Bible substitute! I Hope you find it helpful too, in your walk with Jesus.

Parable of the Tenants (Matthew 21:33-46, Mark 12:1-12, Luke 20:9-18)
A parable spoken against the chief priests and Pharisees.

“Here’s another illustration. There once was a man, a landowner, who planted a vineyard. He put a fence around it, made a winepress, and built a watchtower. He rented it to some tenant farmers, and then left to go to a different country. At harvest time, he sent his servants to the farmers to collect the fruit that belonged to him. But the farmers attacked his servants They beat one, killed another, and stoned another. So he sent more servants, but the farmers did the same things to them. So then he sent his son. ‘They will respect my son,’ he told himself. But the farmers, when they saw the son, said to each other, ‘Here’s the heir! Come on! Let’s kill him so we can take his inheritance!’ They grabbed him, threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him. When the vineyard owner returns, what will he do to those farmers?”

Kill them and give the farm to others, the Pharisees replied.

“So haven’t you read the Scriptures?” “‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. The Lord has done this, and it is wonderful in our eyes.’ That’s why I’m telling you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you. It will be given to a people who produce the right kind of fruit. Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken, but it will completely crush anyone it falls upon.”

Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matthew 22:1-14)

“The kingdom of heaven is like a king who organized a wedding celebration for his son,” Jesus explained. “He sent out his servants to everyone who was invited to the wedding to tell them to come, but they refused. So he sent out more servants, with the instructions, ‘Tell those who are invited, “I’ve prepared the wedding banquet. The bulls and fattened calves have been killed—everything’s ready. So come to the wedding!”’”
“But they ignored the invitation and left. One went to his fields; another to take care of his business. The rest grabbed the king’s servants, mistreated them, and killed them. The king became furious. He sent his soldiers to destroy those murderers and burn down their town.
“Then the king said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those who were invited didn’t deserve to attend. Go into the streets and invite everyone you find to come to the wedding.’ So the servants went out into the streets and brought back everyone they could find, both the good and the bad. The wedding hall was full.
“But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man who didn’t have a wedding robe on. He asked him, ‘My friend, how did you get in here without a wedding robe?’ The man had nothing to say. Then the king told his servants, ‘Bind his hands and feet, and throw him out into the dark, where there’ll be crying and grinding of teeth.’ “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”

Jesus Questioned on Paying Taxes (Matthew 22:15-22, Mark 12:13-17, Luke 20:19-26)
To Caesar, by the Pharisees’ disciples and the Herodians.

“Why are you trying to trap me, you hypocrites? Show me the coin that is used to pay the tax.”
“Whose image and whose title is inscribed here?”
“You should give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God,”

(Continued next week)

You can now download the complete Words of Jesus at.....


Receive one of David's sayings in your mailbox each day to inspire, challenge or maybe, amuse. To register today, simply click here> and press send. Then it's done! If you have an Irish heritage, you will love the background coloring! Should you wish, check out current and back issues (where you can also subscribe) at...



1012. I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the biggest hindrance to God building His kingdom is man building his. It's called religion.

1013. Man organises the god out of God!

1014. Religion builds tradition, the Spirit, change.

1015. Religion builds tradition, the Spirit breaks tradition down.

1016. One person's vision becomes their successor's job.

1017. The kingdom of God is built upon relationship, not organisation.

1018. Mankind cannot build the kingdom of God for He has already done it far better than we ever could.

1019. While religion may desire to build God's kingdom, it finally succeeds in building its own.

1020. The kingdom of God doesn't need to be built, rather, grasped hold of.

1021. Religion is of the proud, the kingdom of God, of the humble.

1022. Religion revolves round organisation, the kingdom of God, relationship.

1023. Religion is planned, God's kingdom, spontaneous.

Please feel free to quote these quotes. Acknowledgement of David Tait as the author would be appreciated. There are now over 1300 David sayings for you to view at ...

THE WORLD'S GREATEST PROBLEM!!!!! (Next to knowing Jesus)

While we worry about terrorist attacks (taking extreme measures to avoid them, as air travellers will readily confirm), wars, airplane crashes (this week), feeding the hungry, and many more........ the greatest, most insidious problem facing the world today is the seemingly irresistible force of OBESITY!

Here in New Zealand we are rapidly catching up to the world leaders, not the USA (which is very bad, and slightly worse than NZ), but even North Africa and the Middle East where 60% of the men and 65% of women are obese. Here 31% are obese and a further 34% overweight. Very sadly, amongst our native Maoris, the obese figure is a very bad 48%, while amongst Pacific Islanders living here, a horrifying 68%. So this not just an American problem, but a worldwide one, including unexpected countries such as India and Pakistan.

Increased prosperity has not made us happier, but fatter! Worldwide, as the population ages, the medical consequences are too horrible to imagine. Type 2 diabetes is just the first! The end result is that life expectancy, which has steadily risen throughout the past century, will go into decline, not from lack of food or disease, but simply, from gluttony.

Our sedentary lifestyle, where nearly every technological advance makes life physically easier for most of us, contributes to the epidemic that is overwhelming us.

I spend a lot of time at our local hospital, visiting a friend who has been in there for over 4 months. I am so saddened when I see grossly obese parents come in with their young children, who are slim, to visit others. For slim is how the parents would have been born too.

On a personal level, as some of you will be aware, I have kept fit over the years. From a runner running marathons in just over 3 hours to a 'gym bunny' in recent years, as the knees start to protest more! However this, while keeping me well, has not stopped the kilos (or pounds - but at 2.2 x kilos they sound more!) from accumulating, primarily around my waist.

A short time ago, I remet a friend whom I knew as an overweight, unfit accountant, and was so surprised to see how different and slim he now looked. How did he do it? Eating less. Eating better. And exercising. Then, 6 weeks ago, I went to another friend who is a 'Health Doctor', as opposed to the normal 'Sickness Doctor' (think about it). He put me on a machine that measures muscle density and surplus fat. My muscle density is great, but I am carrying 9kg (20lb) too much weight! Oh dear! Finally I was convinced to do something about it! Now I am nearly half way there, having so far lost 4kg, with 5kg to go.

My son also gave me a book for my 67th birthday called "Buck Up", co-written by one of our very famous All Black captains, and a medical doctor interested in health. Buck Shelford went from fantastic fitness to a 148kg (325lb)overweight couch potato, and back again to a good weight and fitness level.

Over the weeks and months ahead I would like to share with you some of my experiences and what I am learning, to both encourage me to keep up with it and hopefully inspire some of you to do something about the spare tyres in your own lives.

I hope you will join me on my journey.....

PS: Comments are welcomed and appreciated.


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as we look at the second part of our study, 'Winning the War' and summarise 12 requirements of restoration we have considered.

Check out all the available teachings at...


As Christians, if we can't laugh at ourselves, others will! A fun way to start your day. To register today, simply click here and press send. Then it's done! Should you wish, check out early issues (where you can also subscribe) at...


***Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused***

*** Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others. ***

!!!!! "If absence makes the heart grow fonder," said the preacher, "a lot of folks must love our church."

!!!!! Did you hear about the dead angel? He died of harp failure.

66. IF ONLY!!
A father is in church with three of his young children, including his five year old daughter. As was customary, he sat in the very front row so that the children could properly witness the service.

During this particular service, the minister was performing the baptism of a tiny infant. The little five year old girl was taken by this, observing that he was saying something and pouring water over the infant's head.

With a quizzical look on her face, the little girl turned to her father and asked: "Daddy, why is he brainwashing that baby??"

To make it possible for everyone to attend church on Sunday, we are proposing to have a special 'No Excuse Sunday.'

1. Cots will be placed in the foyer for those who say, 'Sunday is my only day to sleep in.'

2. They will have steel helmets for those who say, 'The roof will cave in if I ever came to church.'

3. Blankets will be furnished for those who say it is too cold and fans for those who say it is too hot.

4.There will be hearing aids for those who say, 'The pastor speaks too softly,' and cotton for those who say, 'He preaches too loudly.'

5 Scorecards will be available for those who wish to list the hypocrites present.

6. Some relatives will be in attendance for those who like to go visiting on Sunday.

7. There will be TV dinners for those who can't go to church and cook dinner too.

8. Golf clubs will be available for practice swings for those who like to golf on Sunday.

"FREE DOWNLOAD: You can now download the book 'Laughing At Ourselves' in PDF format at LAUGHING AT OURSELVES One of the most comprehensive sources of Christian Humour on the Net with 800 sermon fillers for your entertainment and use at ...


LAST WEEKS QUESTION: How old are ‘prefab’ (prefabricated) houses?

ANSWER: Quite old! Going back as far as the beginning of the nineteenth century, a prefabricated house was sent to Hawaii by religious Bostonians wanting to help missionaries living there. (No fabrication!)

THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: Which country has the lowest crime rate in the world? Is it Japan, Singapore, Togo, New Zealand or Canada?

Answer Next Week.


Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England during World War II, and again later, superstitiously feared January 24 because he was certain it was destined to be the day of his death. His father had died on that date. Churchill did indeed die on January 24, in the year 1965. (A self fulfilling prophecy?)

No. Before winning the presidency, Lincoln ran for his state legislature, the House of Representatives, the Senate (twice!) and vice president. He lost all those elections. (If at first you don’t succeed, run for President.)

As far back as ancient Egypt, infections were treated with foods containing mould. The first antibiotics! (Likely to have been no shortage of raw materials!)


Make another word from this word using all the letters.


Answer at the end of A David Musing

FREE DOWNLOAD: You can download the full version of our Trivia Book at TRULY TRIFFLING TRIVIA Or view all 1232 online at...


3: Who was Jesus talking to when he taught the Lord's prayer?

a. Pharisees
b. Disciples
c. Multitudes
d. John and Peter only


Heaps more fun and serious 'God Facts' are found at...



!!!!!!! In a crowd the person with the loudest voice will be standing directly behind you.

!!!!!! Bad breath is better than no breath at all.

!!!!! When you talk about someone behind their back, they will be there someplace.

!!!! Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance. - Kurt Vonnegut

!!! "Intelligent" is a term used to describe someone who agrees with you.

!! Things aren't like they used to be and they never were.

! Horse sense is what a horse has that keeps it from betting on people.



Our local humane society had an overabundance of cats, and to deal with the surplus they posted a notice: "Laptops Available. Mouse not included."

Three tortoises, Mick, Andy and Roy, decide to go on a picnic.

So Mick packs the picnic basket with beer and sandwiches. The trouble is the picnic site is ten miles away so it takes them ten days to get there. When they get there Mick unpacks the food and beer. "Ok Roy give me the bottle opener."

"I didn"t bring it" says Roy. "I thought you packed it".

Mick gets worried, He turns to Andy, "Did you bring the bottle opener?"

Naturally Andy didn"t bring it. So they"re stuck ten miles from home without a bottle opener. Mick and Andy beg Roy to go back for it. But he refuses as he says they will eat all the sandwiches while he's gone.

After two hours, and after they have sworn on their tortoise lives that they will not eat the sandwiches, he finally agrees. So Roy sets off down the road at a steady pace.

Twenty days pass and he still isn't back and Mick and Andy are starving, but a promise is a promise.

Another five days and he still isn't back, but a promise is a promise.

Finally they can't take it any longer so they take out a sandwich each, and just as they are about to eat it, Roy pops up from behind a rock and shouts, "SEE! I KNEW IT! I'M NOT GOING!"

During the midst of rush hour traffic, a bus driver pulled over to the next stop just in time to pick up a boy carrying a strange looking box.

Curious, the bus driver looked into the box and saw four tiny little kittens - so young that their eyes hadn't yet opened.

"I haven't seen kittens that young for a long time," the bus driver said, "What are you going to do with them?"

The boy, looking a bit puzzled, replied, "They're not kittens, they're athiests and I am taking them to church". The bus driver decided to leave that one alone and continued on his rounds.

A few days later the boy got on the same bus with the same bus driver. The bus driver recognized the boy carrying the curious box and said, "I see that you brought your athiests with you again, are you going back to church?"

The boy replied with a grin, "They're not athiests any longer, they're Christians - their eyes have been opened!"

32,000 pounds of Bibles delivered to village by new airplane funded by volunteers

According to the press release, Wycliffe Associates, a global organization that involves people in the acceleration of Bible translation around the world, earlier this year, 32,000 pounds of Ketengban Scriptures were delivered to the people via the Pilatus PC-6 aircraft funded by Wycliffe Associates volunteers. And New Testaments were delivered to their neighbors in Lik villages—the first Scriptures ever in their heart language.

Part of a team to translation of the Ketengban scriptures, Andrew and Anne Sims were caught off guard as they entered the Ketengban village in Indonesia. They had come to check on the progress of the Old Testament translation, yet hundreds of people greeted them as a celebration broke out. Off to the side, eight boys covered in white mud from head to toe stood expressionless and silent, never moving.

The Ketengban elders informed the Sims’s that the village was celebrating their return as thanks for bringing the Ketengban New Testament to them. “You brought God’s words to us in our own language,” one of the elders said. “But we don’t want to forget what life was like before we had the Word, so we asked these boys to cover themselves with mud and to stand apart, silent and somber. They represent the lives of all of us before we understood God’s Word.”

“We were like dead men walking,” the elder continued. “We didn’t know God or His Son. We lived in guilt and fear and constant warfare. Now we are alive in Christ and free from our dark past. We are insiders, part of God’s family. And we don’t want to forget how much God has changed us.”

Not only did the Ketengban people not forget, but they were reaching out to neighboring villages, bringing people to Christ, and planting churches. And they also began the translation of the Old Testament.




As we go through this study, my desire is that we will all grasp a little of the majesty and wonder of the plan of God to reconcile you and me back to Himself, after the fall of Adam and Eve to the wiles of satan through the serpent, in the garden of Eden.

As God is pure and we are not, He can only be approached through a mediator, a priest.

This study is about the establishment and development of the priesthood from the earliest of times until today.

I trust that we will all grasp the essence and magnificence of God’s perfect plan for each one who believes back into relationship with Him.

Read more about it and download your free PDF Files here.....


Normally writing verse takes longer than writing prose. But not this time!


Time is short,
Too much sport!

Bad attitude,
No gratitude!

Put Jesus first,
Develop thirst!

Do come aboard,
Jesus is Lord!

More of David's poetry here.....


I 'mused' long over whether to include the article on obesity found above. Surely it is 'not spiritual enough' some would say. But when you get down to it I realized that spiritually, gluttony is a sin, and one which most of our readers will have been guilty of, me included. How about this?

whose end is destruction, whose god is their appetite, and whose glory is in their shame, who set their minds on earthly things. (Philippians 3:19)

Churches, all over the world, are famous (infamous perhaps) for their feasting, from pot luck dinners to formal banquets. Baptists and Lutherans are particularly known for potluck dinners and jokes. For example.....

“It has been said that the only thing that ever changes in the Lutheran Church is the color of the Jell-O® served at the monthly potluck dinners.”

"Or, number 4 on the list of top 10 reasons you might know you’re a Lutheran: At potlucks all the men have tableware and napkins in their shirt pockets so their full plates are easier to carry."

"Thursday night will be a potluck supper. Prayer and medication to follow."

May 'spiritual food' take first place in our lives - says he munching on an apple! (well, more healthy than a Big Mac!)

So until next week.....


His servant and yours

David Tait

Today's 'Word Puzzle' Answer: SMARTING



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