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Issue No: 104     Published: 22 Oct 2003


Have you noticed that the best-attended meetings in Spirit filled circles are those of the prophets? Not the 'doom and gloom over the nations' type of prophet - not many of us want to head those warnings - but the personal prophet who conveys God's purpose and desires for our lives. We have one such lovely South African lady who regularly visits New Zealand by the name of Kerry Southey, who has an amazing spiritual gift to speak into peoples lives with incredible and often unnerving accuracy. For let's face it, we all like to have our past explained and future revealed. Particularly, when as with most prophecies, it is a word of encouragement promising a new level of spiritual growth and achievement well beyond where we are at the moment.

We get excited! Lord, please bring what you have promised! Lord, in the name of Jesus I claim my destiny today! I am ready Lord, make it now!

Time passes.... Lord, I am still waiting! Have you forgotten me Lord! Why not, Lord. The prophecy must have been wrong, Lord! That prophet is a false prophet, Lord! Lord, you have failed me! Lord, you have broken your promise to me - I give up on you!

Sadly, there are so many disappointed people out there, ones whose prophetic words have simply failed to come into being. Maybe you too.

So the question we must ask is, why does this situation occur? How come these wonderful prophecies by proven, accurate prophets, are not fulfilled.

The answer is simple, yet profound. It's because we are not prepared to meet the cost, to be obedient to God's will for us. Oh, it's so simple in theory, but so difficult in reality! For the cost of spiritual growth, the cost of ministry is high. And quite simply, many are not prepared to pay the price. Our God is not to be on 'call', He is to be our 'all'. What a difference removing a 'c' makes. Removing 'C'aution, fear of 'C'alamity, eradicating 'C'alculation, stripping off 'C'amouflage, submitting C'apabilities,... the list goes on and on from the 'Ca' to 'Cz' of our life.

Yes, prophecy is a conditional promise to be fulfilled in those prepared to make the necessary sacrifice of obedience to bring it into reality. For failed prophecy, the blame does not rest with God, but the explanation lies within the psyche of each of us.

Now while the cost may be financial - the first thing we all think of - it will definitely include the laying down of our desires and ambitions for those of our Lord. And the bigger the promise, the more fantastic the prophecy, the greater the sacrifice needed to bring the dream to reality.

So maybe next time, we will ask for just a little, cheap 'word'! Or perhaps we will be prepared to pay the full price - meeting the call of our Lord to His Church in these final days.

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"”‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ (Acts 2:17-21)

"Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit. But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. I would like every one of you to speak in tongues, but I would rather have you prophesy. He who prophesies is greater than one who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, so that the church may be edified." (1 Corinthians 14:1-5)

"And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. 6 And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love." (1 John 1:5-6)


351. The more I discover about God the more I realise there is to know.

352. The closer I get to God, the more I realise how big He is and how small I am.

353. While God graciously accepts me as I am, His desire is for me to become more like Him.

354. When God moves, the results are beyond our imagination. Why then do we try and do His work ourselves?

Please feel free to quote these quotes. Acknowledgement of David Tait as the author would be appreciated. There are now more than 700 David sayings for you to view at ...


Hello Everyone.

Nest week David Tait, who sends you the ‘Praise God it’s Monday!’ (PGIM!) newsletter each week, has approved the sending of a letter to each of you, that pertains to supporting his Ministry, by sponsoring one of the weekly newsletters..

Although I do not know David, and have not had the ‘personal contact’ I have felt very much led by God, on His behalf, yes David’s and God’s, to raise money for David’s Ministry. If you are not sure what he does, other than the weekly PGIM, I encourage you to check out his website.

I truly believe God wants us, his readers, to “help” him with his virtually unpaid Ministry and was given the idea, the concept, in an instant, just a few weeks ago.

Now I know that many of you are in Ministry like me and probably would like some more income for OUR Ministry. All I can say to that is that God has directed me to help organize support for David’s Ministry, and I also know WITHOUT A DOUBT that God not only loves a cheerful giver BUT blesses him also. Many of you are blessed by his Monday encouraging words, insights and humor.

So look out for my letter coming next week.


Roy L McGreevy USA


During the last week of my Indian visit, Asher and I were truly blessed and privileged (which I don't say lightly) to be hosted by the 'Wiig family'.

Franklin and Margaret Wiig celebrated 50 years of service in India this year, just a few months before Franklin's departure to his eternal home, on 21 June. A mark of the high esteem in which he was held, were the 2,000 people who turned up to his Memorial Service. Margaret, a most gracious lady, has one of the few remaining Indian Missionary Visas, which the governmeNt stopped issuing shortly after their arrival.

Their two sons, Peter and Paul, born in India but each of whom has spent time in America, have committed themselves to carrying on the family tradition of ministering to the Indian people. Interestingly they come from divergent spiritual positions, as will be seen in their reports on our visit, found later in this PGIM. Both have married local wives (that is another story!) and are powerfully fulfilling the Lord's commission to evangelise the nations.

Thank you Margaret (and Franklin), Peter and Mercy, and Paul and Caroline for your hospitality and your dedication to India and your Lord. You have made a difference!


Greetings David and may God bless you,
I am writing about a friend of mine who lives near (where you used to live) in Mount Maunganui. His name is Jared and he is 22 years old. This is a request I guess from me to yourself and all your readers.

Jared suffers from an extremely debilitating disease known as "Hallevorden Spatz Disease". What it is, is not important, what is does to the sufferer and family is terrible. Jared has been looked after by his family all of his life. His Mum has borne a huge burden. He cannot do anything for himself, he must be lifted into and out of bed, toileted, bathed, feed, everything has to be done for him. He is often in terrible pain, he cannot speak, or even wipe his own nose. He can do nothing that most young men of his age can.

But he does do one thing that many of us can't, or won't. He shines. He lives in a body that is completely useless to him but he shines. He shines with determination and courage. He shines with inspiration and encouragement. He shines out with gentleness and love. He is an example to all mankind and I want to do something for him. Recently while praying for Jared I heard a voice say, "arise and walk". and it stunned me. I suddenly felt that I knew and accepted more than ever before that God is a God of Miracles, He is a God of Love, and He loves Jared just as much as He loves any one of us. I feel strongly to come up and lay hands on Jared because I believe that God has the power to heal this young man. I would like your help. I humbly ask that everyone reading this would pray for Jared. Pray as you've never prayed before. Can we all cry out to our God of Salvation and for His Glory and in His name would you all pray with me as we lay hands on this young man to the Glory of God.

In Jesus Christ
Pete Bradley
Soldiers of the Cross Fellowship
New Zealand.

Hi David,

Having just read another excellent WWJ can I suggest an alternative answer to your
word-puzzle. I think it should be 'saved by the bell'.

I must admit I can't see how the answer can be 'goal tending'. Is it a New Zealand term?

God bless,

David Wright

Global Connections
Whitefield House, 186 Kennington Park Road
London SE11 4BT

Your comments to me or fellow readers are always welcomed at...


***Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused***

*** "Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others." ***

A girl was at kindergarten drawing a picture for her mum. The teacher walks up to her and asks what she is drawing.

"I'm drawing a picture of God" the girl replied.

"But no-one knows what God looks like the teacher said.

To which the girl replied: "They will when I finish the picture."

A little boy who got in trouble at church while everyone was giving in his or her prayer request.

The daddy scooped the little boy up and made his way down the centre aisle toward the back, and on the way the little boy yelled out, "Pray Saints Pray !!!!!"

Now one of the most comprehensive sources of Christian Humour on the Net with 550 sermon fillers for your entertainment and use at ...


To Whom it May concern:

Mr. David Tait ministered with us here in India for a week or so. He spoke at a youth group that we run, and also at a couple of two-day conferences for Pastors and Bible College students.

I found him to be a real gentleman. He is not flashy, but very honest and down to earth. He is very personal and willing to discuss things with anyone on a one-to-one basis as needed. He is sincere and does not seem to have any false motives for what he does.

I found his teaching to be balanced. Although he leans more toward the Charismatic/Pentecostal teaching he does not over emphasize any one thing over another (i.e. the gift of tongues etc.).

His teaching is very insightful and the way that he correlated the teaching of the Tabernacle to everyday life and the church (past, present and future) was very interesting and scripturally based. Primarily, he challenges his listeners to be holy, get right with God and be ready for Christ’s return by living a holy life that is totally surrendered to Him.

I believe that He listens to and follows the voice of the Holy Spirit while he speaks and ministers (he pours himself into the people as he ministers to them).

From a cross-cultural perspective- his teaching is acultural, it is Biblical and does not have much in the way of idioms and the such, that would be offensive or difficult to understand for a “non-westerner”.

If you have any further questions for me please contact me at

Peter Wiig


LAST WEEKS QUESTION: How fast can a snake move?

ANSWER: Many people think snakes are fast, but they aren't really. Most move about three to four miles (5-7mk) per hour. Both children and adults can easily outrun a creature moving this slow and snakes do not normally chase humans anyway. They're more likely to flee. There is one fast snake, though - the black mamba of southern Africa. This snake is said to move as fast as 25 to 30 miles per hour. One to be avoided. In fact, would still like to avoid them all! Not a problem in New Zealand as we are one of the few snake free countries in the world!

THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: What exactly do "A.M." and "P.M." mean?

Answer Next Week.

Lightning often strikes the same place twice, and more, as it follows the path of least resistance. Certain tall trees or tall buildings may be struck repeatedly. Certain people have also been struck by lightning more than once - in separate incidents. (An ‘electric’ personality?)

The American Statue of Liberty is made of thin copper sheets. As copper turns a bluish-green when it rusts, Liberty is not only a little green around the ears, but indeed, all over. (The price of liberty!)

Better known as Calamity Jane, was a famous sharp shooter, gambler, stage driver, and scout from the Old West of the United States. She often rode with Wild Bill Hickok. (Ended up as one of life’s calamities too.)

Steve and Sally where sitting in their family room one night. While Steve was watching T.V his wife Sally was reading. All of a sudden the power went out and Steve decided to go to bed, but Sally kept on reading. With no use of artificial light, Sally kept on reading. How?

Answer at the end of A David Musing

You can download a 250 item sample Trivia Book at Truly Trifling Trivia

Or view all 1200 online at...


5. IS IT REALLY 50%?
By Rich Buhler

It's been called America's most-often-cited statistic. It's so widely held to be true that it is repeated without question by authors, speakers, broadcasters, politicians, counselors and ministers.

Here are some examples from just a few Web sites on the Internet:
 "Fifty percent of marriages will end in divorce."
— An infidelity support group
 "Fifty percent of all marriages now end in divorce."
— Promotion for a book on divorce
 "Fifty percent of all marriages in America end in divorce."
— From the treasurer's office of a Midwestern state
 "Over 50 percent of marriages end in divorce."
— From a men's counseling center in California

Divorce is too common in America and that should not be taken lightly, but those who are committed to a lifetime of marriage don't need the discouragement accompanying the notion that half the marriages are going to self-destruct anyway.

I was once told by a young bride-to-be that she and her fiancee had decided not to say "Till death do us part" in their wedding vows because the odds of it really happening were only 50-50.

Let me say it straightforwardly: Fifty percent of American marriages are not ending in divorce. It's fiction. A myth. A tragically discouraging urban legend.

If there's no credible evidence that half of American marriages will end up in divorce court, where did that belief originate? ................

Check out the answer and discover lots more new information on marriage and families from around the world at...


We are very grateful to you for coming all the way to be with us and share your burden with our team. By way of report:

1) It was a refreshing time in the Spirit. We were challenged to go deeper with the Lord. On the second night, the Lord blessed us as we allowed the truths that we learned to be digested; we spent about four hours in praise, worship and prayer. It was a new experience for many.

2) This encouragement came as we were exposed to many principles from God's Word in a way that we had not seen them before. I saw you teaching the Word with broad strokes, as it were, not with a fine brush. That is, you were teaching a broad picture of important principles of the Christian life, primarily based on an understanding of the tabernacle, church history and the end time church. At first, I was a little concerned that there were some points that did not seem to match up exactly with the New Testament record. For example, you said that only those who go through the process that God showed in the tabernacle (outer court then holy place and then holy of holies) could actually get to the inner sanctuary. If one examines Hebrews, it gives the impression that anyone who places faith in Christ is given access through the blood into the inner sanctuary. After reflection, however, I realized that your concern was not the painting with a fine brush, but giving the broad strokes, or general principles found in God's Word. Some people may expect a fine brush painting and be disappointed, but I was able to appreciate the broad strokes and the Lord truly blessed us as a result.

3) The emphasis on holiness and growing into deeper intimacy with the Lord was greatly appreciated. The broad exposure to church history from the perspective of the development of varoius denominations was enlightening. It is good to understand that this is a generalization and that not everyone in these denominations are at the same place.

4) I appreciated the special emphasis given to fulfill two prerequisites for Christ's return: preaching the Gospel to all nations and a sanctified church.

Thanks again Dave, for the impact you have made on us and our fellow workers for eternity. May the Lord continue to make all grace abound toward you and flourish your every effort for his kingdom.

Look forward to keeping in touch when we can. Please let us know when you plan to come to India again.

In Christ,

Paul (for Caroline and girls)

(We didn't manage to get as far as the book of Hebrews, to explain it all. - David)


A New Mum took her baby daughter to the supermarket for the first time. She dressed her in pink from head to toe. At the store, she placed her in the shopping cart and put her purchases around her.

At the checkout line a small boy and his mother were ahead of them. The child was crying and begging for some special treat. He wants some candy or gum and his mother won't let him have any, she thought.

Then she heard his mother's reply. "No!" she said, looking in her direction. "You may not have a baby sister today. That lady got the last one!"

Much more real life humour, including lots of new postings at...


A thought provoking and entertaining allegory about our journey through life. How will we run our race?

Taken from The Walking with Jesus Course, this allegory and its interpretation were given to me before the writing of it. It was not until I was half way through writing the third part of the course that I realised how remarkably the allegory matched the teaching! Now one part is included with each part of the course.

Download the PDF file and find out for yourself at...


For New Zealanders, last weekend was a big sporting weekend. The Rugby (Union) World Cup is now under way and of course New Zealand hopes to return the World Cup to its rightful home. Now I can hear you Americans, Africans and Indians saying, "what is rugby?" According to many of my Christian friends, it is the sport that is played in Heaven! Well it will be, if we win!

However, my major interest was in the motor sport. A New Zealander, Greg Murphy, cleaned up the Australians in their biggest motor race of the year, the 'Bathhurst 1000'. This, of course, pleases all New Zealanders, whether they follow motor racing or not! But finally, more importantly, and of interest to any Americans who are still reading, another New Zealander, Scott Dixon, won your Indy Motor Racing League! This was a major triumph for an ordinary 'Kiwi kid' (now 23), from a very average family with not much money, who made real sacrifices, before some wealthier backers realized his potential and helped him along the way towards achieving his dream.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if it worked this way in God's economy too. For together we can do the impossible. With co-operation and support we can overcome the world. For our Lord is returning for a 'unified' church in Him. Seems impossible, doesn't it? But through co-operation dreams can come true. Ask Scott Dixon! So now, for the Church too.

And by the way, New Zealand beat Australia yesterday in Rugby League, for the first time in 6 years. Simply confirms that the impossible can happen! Sorry Aussies - but we still love you in Jesus!

His servant and yours

David Tait

Today's Challenge Answer: Sally was blind... she was reading a book in Braille.


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WALKING WITH JESUS MINISTRIES is a non-profit, non-denominational, Bible based ministry located in Mount Maunganui, New Zealand. A ministry dedicated to developing discipleship, fostering unity amongst God’s people to achieve the Great Commission, and in doing so, preparing for Christ’s return. It is securely based upon the foundational principles of the Apostles Creed while recognising the wide and rich diversity of beliefs amongst Christians in other areas. In accordance with the Lord’s direction, materials produced by the ministry are available, free of charge, to genuine enquirers upon request. The ministry is solely funded by donations, as the Lord provides. A list of materials available (plus some fun!) is obtainable and freely downloadable from our website or by contacting us as follows.

Walking With Jesus Ministries
3 Hetley Crescent
Napier 4001
New Zealand

Phone: (06) 8449-377 International (+64) 8449-377

Our role is to bless and encourage those in ministry while promoting co-operation and unity of direction amongst the body of Christ, as emphasised 3 times by Jesus in His longest prayer, immediately prior to His arrest and crucifixion. "… so that they may be one as we are one." (John 17:12, 21, 23-4) Our website is currently being developed to encourage your participation one with another, to share resources, and to enable you to promote events and items of interest to the body as a whole – and have a smile while doing it!

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